All Stories

  1. Development of prognostic model for fistula maturation in patients with advanced renal failure
  2. Frequency of diabetes, complications and vascular risk factors in male and female population of Al-Jouf, KSA
  3. Maturation of arteriovenous fistula: Analysis of key factors
  4. An overview of AVF maturation and endothelial dysfunction in an advanced renal failure
  5. Apache II Scoring as an Index of Severity in Organophosphorus Poisoning
  6. Sub-Clinical Thyroid Disorders in Patients With Hepatitis C Before and After Conventional Treatment
  7. Role of Increased Exercise Therapy Time in Stroke Rehabilitation
  8. Effect of progressive resistive exercise training in improving mobility and functional ability of middle adulthood patients with chronic kidney disease
  9. Medical Students Knowledge and Perception Regarding Complementary and Alternative Medicine
  10. Post stroke rehabilitation based on SMART goals: a case study
  11. Knowledge, Attitude and Practices about Blood Donation among Undergraduate Medical Students in Karachi
  12. End treatment response and sustained viral response in hepatitis C virus genotype 3 among Pakistani population
  13. Obesity and Insulin Resistance: Management in Diabetes
  14. The Psychosocial Impact of Diabetes in Adolescents: A Review
  15. Effect of Exercise and Muscle Contraction on Insulin Action, Transportation and Sensitivity and Muscle Fibres in type II Diabetes Mellitus
  16. Psychological Impact on Sexual Health among Diabetic Patients: a Review
  17. Health Education in Diabetic Population: Current Practice and Future Challenges
  18. Effects of cultural shock on foreign health care professionals: An analysis of key factors
  19. Issues with solid waste management in South Asian countries: A situational analysis of Pakistan