All Stories

  1. Land-users' perspectives on carbon farming and result-based schemes 
  2. Sea-level rise in Denmark: paleo context, recent projections and policy implications
  3. Historical Transition of a Farming System towards Industrialization: A Danish Agricultural Case Study Comparing Sustainability in the 1840s and 2019
  4. The Role of Stakeholder Engagement in Developing New Technologies and Innovation for Nitrogen Reduction in Waters: A Longitudinal Study
  5. Multi-Actor Platforms in the Water–Agriculture Nexus: Synergies and Long-Term Meaningful Engagement
  6. How Hercules cleans up the Augean stables: differentiated implementation of the EU Water Framework Directive
  7. Mapping conversations about land use: How modern farmers practice individuality
  8. What does framing theory add to our understanding of collective decision making in nitrogen management?
  9. WaterCoG: Evidence on How the Use of Tools, Knowledge, and Process Design Can Improve Water Co-Governance
  10. Achieving Sustainable Nitrogen Management in Mixed Farming Landscapes Based on Collaborative Planning
  11. Lag Time as an Indicator of the Link between Agricultural Pressure and Drinking Water Quality State
  12. Nitrate Management Discourses in Poland and Denmark—Laggards or Leaders in Water Quality Protection?
  13. Targeted set-aside: Benefits from reduced nitrogen loading in Danish aquatic environments
  14. Pursuing implementation solutions for targeted nitrogen management in agriculture– a novel approach to synthesize knowledge and facilitate sustainable decision making based on collaborative landscape modelling
  15. Opportunities and Barriers for Water Co-Governance—A Critical Analysis of Seven Cases of Diffuse Water Pollution from Agriculture in Europe, Australia and North America
  16. Stakeholder Engagement and Knowledge Co-Creation in Water Planning: Can Public Participation Increase Cost-Effectiveness?
  17. Evaluating public participation in Denmark’s water councils