All Stories

  1. FACEmemory®, an Innovative Online Platform for Episodic Memory Pre-Screening: Findings from the First 3,000 Participants
  2. Automated Classification of Cognitive Decline and Probable Alzheimer's Dementia Across Multiple Speech and Language Domains
  3. From Face-to-Face to Home-to-Home: Validity of a Teleneuropsychological Battery
  4. Comparative Cognitive Effects of Choreographed Exercise and Multimodal Physical Therapy in Older Adults with Amnestic Mild Cognitive Impairment: Randomized Clinical Trial
  5. Letter Verbal Fluency in Spanish-, Basque-, and Catalan-Speaking Individuals: Does the Selection of the Letters Influence the Outcome?
  6. The Role of Verb Fluency in the Detection of Early Cognitive Impairment in Alzheimer’s Disease