All Stories

  1. Free functor from the category of G-nominal sets to that of 01-G-nominal sets
  2. Simple and subdirectly irreducible finitely supported Cb -sets
  3. Natural congruences and isomorphism theorems for directed complete partially ordered sets
  4. Absolute retractness of automata on directed complete posets
  5. Injectivity of directed complete poset acts
  6. Free and Cofree Acts of Dcpo-Monoids on Directed Complete Posets
  7. Injectivity of $$S$$ S -posets with respect to down closed regular monomorphisms
  8. Equational Compactness ofG-sheaves
  9. Categorical Properties of Sequentially Dense Monomorphisms of Semigroup Acts
  10. Sequential Purity and Injectivity of Acts over Some Classes of Semigroups
  12. On Cayley graphs of rectangular groups
  13. Banaschewski’s theorem for S-posets: regular injectivity and completeness
  14. Completion of Boolean algebras in MSet
  15. Proper Behaviour of Sequential Injectivity of Acts Over Semigroups
  16. Essentiality and injectivity relative to sequential purity of acts
  17. Sequentially Dense Essential Monomorphisms of Acts Over Semigroups
  18. Essentiality and Injectivity
  19. On covers of cyclic acts over monoids
  20. On the Baer Criterion for Acts Over Semigroups
  21. Characterizing Semigroups by Sequentially Dense Injective Acts
  22. Injective Hulls of Acts over Left Zero Semigroups
  23. Sequentially Injective Hull of Acts Over Idempotent Semigroups
  24. Universality of Coproducts in Categories of Lax Algebras
  25. The Category of S-Posets
  26. Baer Criterion for Injectivity of Projection Algebras
  27. Separation Axioms on ??-Systems
  28. Pointfree Spectra of Riesz Spaces
  29. On the normal completion of a Boolean algebra
  30. Flat and weakly flat projection algebras