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  1. Potential for Bias and the American Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Society Ankle-Hindfoot Scoring System
  2. High Variability of Observed Weight Bearing During Standing Foot and Ankle Radiographs
  3. Accuracy and Measurement Error of the Medial Clear Space of the Ankle
  4. Proximity of the Lateral Calcaneal Artery With a Modified Extensile Lateral Approach Compared to Standard Extensile Approach
  5. Percutaneous Method to Determine Optimal Surgical Approach for Delayed Treatment of Calcaneus Fracture
  6. Relationship of Self-Reported Ability to Weight-Bear Immediately After Injury as Predictor of Stability for Ankle Fractures
  7. Superior Tuber Displacement in Intra-articular Calcaneus Fractures