All Stories

  1. Asymmetric Ionospheric Jets in Jupiter's Aurora
  2. Detection of the infrared aurora at Uranus with Keck-NIRSPEC
  3. Saturn's Weather‐Driven Aurorae Modulate Oscillations in the Magnetic Field and Radio Emissions
  4. Local-time averaged maps of H 3 + emission, temperature and ion winds
  5. The H 3 + ionosphere of Uranus: decades-long cooling and local-time morphology
  6. Exploring Key Characteristics in Saturn's Infrared Auroral Emissions Using VLT‐CRIRES: Intensities, Ion Line‐of‐Sight Velocities, and Rotational Temperatures
  7. Towards high-resolution astronomical imaging
  8. Seasonal and geographical variability of nitryl chloride and its precursors in Northern Europe
  9. Mapping H3 + Temperatures in Jupiter's Northern Auroral Ionosphere Using VLT-CRIRES
  10. Periodic Emission Within Jupiter's Main Auroral Oval