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  1. A taxonomy of dual career development environments in European countries
  2. Spanish female student-athletes’ perception of key competencies for successful dual career adjustment
  3. Identification of Parameters That Predict Sport Climbing Performance
  4. The development and initial validation of the dual career competency questionnaire for support providers (DCCQ-SP)
  5. Goal-directed self-talk used to self-regulate in male basketball competitions
  6. Career Termination of Portuguese Elite Football Players: Comparison between the Last Three Decades
  7. Exploring the factor structure of the Dual Career Competency Questionnaire for Athletes in European pupil- and student-athletes
  8. Development and validation of the Perception of Distributed Effort in Team Sports Questionnaire (DETSQ).
  9. Remando contracorriente: facilitadores y barreras para compaginar el deporte y los estudios
  10. The Effect of Coaches’ Controlling Style on the Competitive Anxiety of Young Athletes
  11. Genetic Programming
  12. Future Achievements, Passion and Motivation in the Transition from Junior-to-Senior Sport in Spanish Young Elite Soccer Players
  13. Olympic athletes back to retirement: A qualitative longitudinal study
  14. How Coaches’ Motivations Mediate Between Basic Psychological Needs and Well-Being/Ill-Being
  15. Spanish adaptation and validation of the Automatic Self-Talk Questionnaire for Sports
  16. Club and Players' Pressures on the Motivation, Vitality and Stress of Development Coaches
  17. Perceived distributed effort in team ball sports
  18. Moderate-to-vigorous physical activity and personal well-being in European youth soccer players: Invariance of physical activity, global self-esteem and vitality across five countries
  19. El apoyo a la autonomía generado por entrenadores, compañeros y padres y su efecto sobre la motivación autodeterminada de deportistas de iniciación
  20. Less Time, Better Quality. Shortening Questionnaires to Assess Team Environment and Goal Orientation
  21. Retiring from Elite Sports in Greece and Spain
  22. Los cambios a nivel cognitivo como posible mecanismo explicativo del efecto del auto habla sobre el rendimiento
  23. Modelos de trayectoria deportiva en waterpolo y su implicación en la transición hacia una carrera profesional alternativa. (Athletic Career Models in Water Polo and their Involvement in the Transition to an Alternative Career)
  24. Combining Self Talk and Performance Feedback: Their Effectiveness with Adult Tennis Players
  25. Commitment, Enjoyment and Motivation in Young Soccer Competitive Players
  26. Studying the Effects of Self-Talk on Thought Content with Male Adult Tennis Players
  27. Entusiastas, aficionados y espectadores: sus valores, motivaciones y compromiso. (Enthusiasts, fans and spectators: their moral values, motivations and commitment)
  28. Estrutura interna da versão portuguesa do Sport Commitment Questionnaire (SCQ) e Funcionamento Diferencial dos Itens (DIF) com a versão espanhola
  29. The body matters: Psychophysical impact of retiring from elite sport
  30. Relationships Among Motivational Climate, Satisfaction, Perceived Ability, and Fair Play Attitudes in Young Soccer Players
  31. Elite athletes’ image of retirement: the way to relocation in sport