All Stories

  1. Learning Privacy-Preserving Graph Convolutional Network with Partially Observed Sensitive Attributes
  2. Integrated STEM for Teacher Professional Learning and Development: “I Need Time for Practice”
  3. Integrated Outreach: Increasing Engagement in Computer Science and Cybersecurity
  4. Ants Go Marching—Integrating Computer Science into Teacher Professional Development with NetLogo
  5. Mitigating information leakage using secure finite state machines.
  6. Computer science and engineering: utilizing action research and lesson study
  7. CyberSecurity and Technology: How Do They Fit into a Science Classroom?
  8. A State Encoding Methodology for Side-Channel Security vs. Power Trade-off Exploration
  9. S-CHIRP: Securing Communications in Lightweight Peer-to-Peer Networks in the IoT
  10. Blockchain-Based Election Infrastructures
  11. EVO-SCHIRP: Evolved Secure Swarm Communications
  12. Secure and Decentralized Swarm Behavior with Autonomous Agents for Smart Cities
  13. Designing for Security Within and Between IoT Devices
  14. Integrated STEM: Focus on Informal Education and Community Collaboration through Engineering
  15. Portable tor router: Easily enabling web privacy for consumers
  16. S-CHIRP: Secure communication for heterogeneous IoTs with round-robin protection
  17. Predictive liability models and visualizations of high dimensional retail employee data
  18. CressInt : A user-friendly web resource for genome-scale exploration of gene regulation in Arabidopsis thaliana
  19. Secure controllers: Requirements of S*FSM
  20. S*FSM: A Paradigm Shift for Attack Resistant FSM Designs and Encodings
  21. SDMLp: On the use of complementary Pass transistor Logic for design of DPA resistant circuits
  22. Safety-Centric Design of Distributed Embedded Avionics
  23. The Use of Device Simulation in Development of USB Storage Devices
  24. Designing a Creative Cybersecurity Microcredential for Educators: Challenges and Successes of K-12 Teacher Professional Development
  25. Constructing and Refining Computer Science Outreach Focused on Student Engagement
  26. Building Collaboration and Securing Interest in Computer Science Education through Outreach Opportunities
  27. Novel STEM Research Programs Could Minimize Attrition in Undergraduate Engineering
  28. Enabling Advanced Topics in Computing and Engineering Through Authentic Inquiry: A Cybersecurity Case Study
  29. Interactive Web Notebooks Using the Cloud to Enable CS in K-16+ Classrooms and PDs
  30. Teaching Teachers to Think Like Engineers Using NetLogo