All Stories

  1. Fixed point theorems in b-metric spaces and their applications to non-linear fractional differential and integral equations
  2. Investigating a Coupled Hybrid System of Nonlinear Fractional Differential Equations
  3. Common Fixed Point Results in Complex Valued Metric Spaces with (E.A) and (CLR) Properties
  4. Fixed Point Results Satisfying Rational Type Contractive Conditions in Complex Valued Metric Spaces – Revisited
  5. Existence of unique common solution to the system of non-linear integral equations via fixed point results in incomplete metric spaces
  6. Common solution of Urysohn integral equations with the help of common fixed point results in complex valued metric spaces
  7. Common fixed point results involving contractive condition of integral type in complex valued metric spaces
  8. Common fixed point results for weakly compatible mappings under contractive conditions of integral type in complex valued metric spaces
  9. Fixed Point Results Satisfying Rational Type Contractive Conditions in Complex Valued Metric Spaces
  10. Common Fixed Point Results for Six Mappings via Integral Contractions with Applications
  11. Common fixed point theorems of integral type contraction on metric spaces and its applications to system of functional equations