All Stories

  1. Distress in post-treatment hematological cancer survivors: Prevalence and predictors
  2. Befriending Services for Culturally Diverse Older People
  3. ‘People haven’t got that close connection’: meanings of loneliness and social isolation to culturally diverse older people
  4. ‘It was peaceful, it was beautiful’: A qualitative study of family understandings of good end-of-life care in hospital for people dying in advanced age
  5. Are we getting it wrong? Perspectives on the future of palliative care in hospitals
  6. Reflecting on a journey of resilience in children’s blood and cancer nursing
  7. Older people's experiences of nurse-patient telephone communication in the primary healthcare setting
  8. The limits of 'community' for people dying in advanced age
  9. Approaches to capturing the financial cost of family care-giving within a palliative care context: a systematic review
  10. A qualitative study of nurses’ clinical experience in recognising low mood and depression in older patients with multiple long-term conditions
  11. What's the diagnosis? Organisational culture and palliative care delivery in residential aged care in New Zealand