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  1. Doing the ‘write’ thing: handwriting and typing support in secondary schools in England
  2. Handwriting and typing: Occupational therapy practice when supporting adolescents with handwriting difficulties
  3. Grip strength and pen pressure are not key contributors to handwriting difficulties in children with developmental coordination disorder
  4. Accuracy and Consistency of Letter Formation in Children With Developmental Coordination Disorder
  5. Children and young people’s perspectives and experiences of a community wheelchair basketball club and its impact on daily life
  6. Understanding handwriting difficulties: A comparison of children with and without motor impairment
  7. Visual perceptual and handwriting skills in children with Developmental Coordination Disorder
  8. The impact of handwriting difficulties on compositional quality in children with developmental coordination disorder
  9. An examination of writing pauses in the handwriting of children with Developmental Coordination Disorder
  10. Handwriting speed in children with Developmental Coordination Disorder: Are they really slower?