All Stories

  1. Structural Competencies: Re-Grounding Counseling Psychology in Antiracist and Decolonial Praxis
  2. Process-focused psychotherapy training is evidence-based psychotherapy training: Commentary on Westra and Di Bartolomeo (2024).
  3. The Impact of Different Thematic Apperception Test Administration Methods on Narrative Length and Story Richness as Measured by the Social Cognition and Object Relations Scale-Global Rating Method (SCORS-G)
  4. Are Training Programs Addressing Anti-Black Racism and White Supremacy? A Descriptive Analysis
  5. Cultural Humility, Cultural Comfort, and Supervision Processes and Outcomes for BIPOC Supervisees
  6. A phenomenological exploration into therapists’ multicultural case conceptualizations.
  7. Answering the Call for Systems Change
  8. Differentiating protective factors for transgender individuals who experience suicidality: The role of optimism as a mediator
  9. A brief qualitative examination of multicultural orientation in clinical supervision.
  10. Multicultural Streaming in Group Psychotherapy Supervision: Orientation to and Preparation for Culturally Humble Practice
  11. Extending multicultural orientation to the group supervision of psychotherapy: Practical applications.
  12. Oppression is not “culture”: The need to center systemic and structural determinants to address anti-Black racism and racial trauma in psychotherapy.
  13. Ban the box: Addressing effects of systemic racism on justice-involved individuals in pathways to professional psychology.
  14. Development and initial validation of the Multicultural Training and Education Questionnaire.
  15. The compounded effects of classism and racism on mental health outcomes for African Americans.
  16. The role of moral reasoning and attitudes regarding bisexuality in the development of bisexual counseling competence.
  17. To conceal or not to conceal: Supervisee and client identity processes in clinical supervision.
  18. Patriotism and perceptions of police: Examining the racial divide between Black and White Americans.
  19. Cultural humility in psychotherapy and clinical supervision: A research review
  20. Inequitable Hunger: Scope, Effects, and Perceptions of College Student Food Insecurity
  21. Stalling at the starting line: First-generation college students’ debt, economic stressors, and delayed life milestones in professional psychology.
  22. How narrative source impacts convergence of ratings from the Social Cognition and Object Relations Scale–Global Rating Method with psychotherapy process measures
  23. Layered cultural processes: The relationship between multicultural orientation and satisfaction with supervision.
  24. Sexist Microaggressions: Traumatic Stressors Mediated by Self-Compassion
  25. Race and Sexual Orientation: An Intersectional Analysis Examining Perceptions of Police
  26. Decreasing perceived and academic stress through emotion regulation and nonjudging with trauma-exposed college students.
  27. Who’s Multiculturally Competent? Everybody and Nobody: A Multimethod Examination
  28. It takes money to make money: Inequity in psychology graduate student borrowing and financial stressors.
  29. Social Justice in Counseling Psychology: Then, Now, and Looking Forward
  30. A social dominance theory perspective on multicultural competence
  31. The Implications of Doctoral Students’ Professional Socialization Experiences in Graduate Training
  32. Becoming a Bridge: Collaborative Autoethnography of Four Female Counseling Psychology Student Leaders
  33. For whom the bills pile: An equity frame for an equity problem.
  34. Grad students talk: Development and process of a student-led social justice initiative.
  35. 2013 Report
  36. 2012 Report
  37. 2011 Report From the Student Affiliates of Seventeen (SAS)
  38. Social Justice Theory