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  1. Fat percentage cutoff values to define obesity and prevalence of sarcopenic obesity in community-dwelling older adults in Turkey
  2. A new screening tool for self-neglect in community-dwelling older adults: IMSelf-neglect questionnaire
  3. Higher vitamin D levels may be associated with higher levels of sunlight exposure and higher intake of vitamin D by diet
  4. Underestimated factors may also precipitate delirium and can lead to the misinterpretation of frailty in these patients
  5. Utilization of arm span instead of height in body mass index calculation in elderly subjects
  6. Possible effect of decreased insulin resistance on ferritin levels after Nordic Walking training
  7. Potential contribution of diabetes mellitus to orthostatic blood pressure fall and conversion of mild cognitive impairment to dementia
  8. Importance of hypoglycemia on the risk of Alzheimer’s disease in elderly subjects with diabetes mellitus
  9. Potential underdiagnosis of osteoporosis in repeated vertebral augmentation for new vertebral compression fractures
  10. The effect of medical illness related depression on frailty in elderly subjects with heart failure