All Stories

  1. Impact of Dimethylfumarate on Sleep in Multiple Sclerosis Patients: An Actigraphic Study
  2. Sleep and blood pressure
  3. Longitudinal Study on Low-Dose Aspirin versus Placebo Administration in Silent Brain Infarcts: The Silence Study
  4. Integrated care of hypertension and HIV infection
  5. Antiepileptic monotherapy in newly diagnosed focal epilepsy. A network meta-analysis
  6. Stroke outcome prediction: what do we know and where are we going?
  7. Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome and the nocturnal blood pressure profile
  8. Visit-to-visit variability in blood pressure and Alzheimer's disease
  9. Eslicarbazepine acetate in the treatment of adults with partial-onset epilepsy: an evidence-based review of efficacy, safety and place in therapy
  10. Blood pressure variability and neurocognitive functioning
  11. Sleep Apnea, Cognitive Profile, and Vascular Changes: An Intriguing Relationship
  12. Eslicarbazepine acetate as adjunctive treatment in partial-onset epilepsy
  13. Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome: An Emerging Risk Factor for Dementia
  14. Thresholds of impaired cerebral hemodynamics that predict short-term cognitive decline in asymptomatic carotid stenosis
  15. Metabolic syndrome and cerebrovascular impairment in Alzheimer's disease
  16. Increased Common Carotid Artery Wall Thickness Is Associated with Rapid Progression of Asymptomatic Carotid Stenosis