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  1. Urban policies, diversity and multiculturalism in Europe
  2. Quando gli adulti perdono il lavoro
  3. Immigrazione, occupazione e crisi economica in Italia
  4. The intermediaries of irregular immigration: smugglers. sponsors and supporters
  5. La regolazione dell'immigrazione in Italia e nell'Europa meridionale: tra sovranità nazionale, mercato e diritti umani
  6. Immigrants and the Catholic church: a multifaceted relation
  7. Unauthorized immigration and migrants' agency
  8. Introduction. Work, trade unions, and migrations: insights and challenges in different countries
  9. Networking, protesta, advocacy, aiuto. La società civile italiana e gli immigrati
  10. L’integrazione quotidiana: famiglie migranti e relazioni di vicinato
  11. Migration policies at the urban level
  12. Irregular but tolerated: Unauthorized immigration, elderly care recipients, and invisible welfare
  13. The condition of immigrant families in a region hit by the economic crisis
  14. Parenting from a distance and processes of family reunification: A research on the Italian case
  15. Non tutti gli insuccessi regolativi vengono per nuocere: la costruzione di un welfare parallelo e l'immigrazione irregolare
  16. Dal multiculturalismo alla diversity. Una ricerca europea sulle politiche locali per gli immigrati
  17. La valutazione delle riviste sociologiche: riflessioni a valle di un serrato dibattito
  18. Migration and Transnational Commitment: Some Evidence from the Italian Case
  19. Irregular Migration and Invisible Welfare
  20. Reasons and Dynamics of Irregular Immigration
  21. Introduction: Irregular Immigration between Political Rejection and Practical Tolerance
  22. Across Borders: Care Work and Family Life
  23. Surviving Underground: Resources and Practices of Irregular Migrants in the Care Sector
  24. Conclusion: As the Dreaded Illegal Immigrants Become Deserving Care Workers
  25. Families in Trouble and Demand for Care Services: The Formation of an Invisible Welfare and the Contribution of Migrants
  26. ‘We are against a multi-ethnic society’: policies of exclusion at the urban level in Italy
  27. Immigration in Italy: Between Economic Acceptance and Political Rejection
  28. Surviving underground: Irregular migrants, Italian families, invisible welfare
  29. Irregular Immigration Control in Italy and Greece: Strong Fencing and Weak Gate-keeping serving the Labour Market
  30. Migrants dans l’ombre. Causes, dynamiques, politiques de l’immigration irrégulière
  31. Séparées et réunies : familles migrantes et liens transnationaux
  32. Editorial
  33. Editorial
  34. Editorial
  35. Irregular immigration: economic convenience and other factors
  36. Travailler dans l'ombre. Les immigrés dans l'économie informelle
  37. Les immigrés réguliers en Italie : liens ethniques et modes d'insertion dans le monde du travail