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  1. Diet variations and morphological changes of the rockcod Patagonotothen tessellata (Teleostei: Nototheniidae) in Chilean Central Patagonia
  2. Spatio‐temporal patterns of ichthyoplankton in southern Chilean Patagonia: β‐diversity and associated environmental factors
  3. Effects of metacercariae of Prosorhynchoides sp. (Trematoda: Bucephalidae) on the swimming ability and blood parameters of the intertidal fish Girella laevifrons (Osteichthyes: Kyphosidae)
  4. Spatio-temporal patterns of the crustacean demersal fishery discard from the south Humboldt Current System, based on scientific observer program (2014–2019)
  5. Unraveling the morphological patterns of a subantarctic eelpout: a geometric morphometric approach
  6. Parental care and early development of the labrisomid blenny Labrisomus philippii (Labrisomidae) from northern Chile
  7. Mismatch between shape changes, early growth, and condition for a temperate reef fish from an oceanic island
  8. Influence of oceanographic conditions on the body shape variability of Scomber japonicus larvae from the western coast of the Baja California Peninsula
  9. DNA reconciles morphology and colouration in the drunk blenny genus Scartichthys (Teleostei: Blenniidae) and provides insights into their evolutionary history
  10. Distribution and abundance of planktonic mollusks along a longitudinal gradient in the Southeastern Pacific off Chile
  11. Year-round high abundances of the world’s smallest marine vertebrate (Schindleria) in the Red Sea and worldwide associations with lunar phases
  12. Oceanographic influences on the early life stages of a mesopelagic fish across the Chilean Patagonia
  13. Abundance of early life stages of the surf silverside <i>Notocheirus hubbsi</i> (Teleostei, Atheriniformes) in the coastal nearshore of central Chile
  14. DNA reconciles morphology and colouration in the drunk blenny genus Scartichthys (Teleostei: Blenniidae) and provides insights into their evolutionary history
  15. Unexpected effects of coastal storms on trophic ecology of two rocky reef fish species
  16. Modelling seasonal patterns of larval fish parasitism in two northern nearshore areas in the Humboldt Current System
  17. Environmental determinants in morphospace and diet of the larval blenny Calliclinus geniguttatus from an upwelling ecosystem
  18. Spatial patterns of continental shelf faunal community structure along the Western Antarctic Peninsula
  19. Presettlement schooling behaviour of a rocky fish in a shallow area. Is it related to local environmental conditions?
  20. Shape, condition and diet of the pike icefish Champsocephalus esox (Teleostei: Channichthyidae): evidence of phenotypic plasticity?
  21. Larval parasitic copepods affect early life history traits of a temperate clingfish
  22. Influence of coastal upwelling on micro-phytoplankton variability at Valparaíso Bay (~33ºS), Central Chile
  23. Short-term variations in the early life history traits of common sardine Strangomera bentincki and anchoveta Engraulis ringens off central Chile
  24. Larval development and osteology of Callanthias platei (Teleostei: Callanthiidae) from Desventuradas Islands, South Pacific
  25. Subtropical water influences temporal fluctuations of early life stages of Vinciguerria lucetia (Osteichthyes: Phosichthyidae) in the Humboldt Current System (1998–2004)
  26. Intra-seasonal variability of sea surface temperature influences phenological decoupling in anchovy (Engraulis ringens)
  27. Feeding ecology of fish larvae from Chilean Patagonia during austral winter
  28. Niche partitioning and morphospace in early stages of two sympatric Diogenichthys species (Myctophidae)
  29. Lunar influences in the diet habits and selectivity of larval clingfishGobiesox marmoratus
  30. Nearshore environmental conditions influence larval growth and shape changes for a temperate rocky reef fish
  31. The influence of regional and local oceanography in early stages of marine fishes from temperate rocky reefs
  32. Early life history traits of common sardine, Strangomera bentincki (Osteichthyes: Clupeidae) estimated by otolith microstructure analysis
  33. Early life history traits of the blenny Auchenionchus crinitus (Teleostei: Labrisomidae) off northern Chile
  34. Effect of ENSO on the distribution and concentration of catches and reproductive activity of anchovy Engraulis ringens in northern Chile
  35. Comportamiento reproductivo y desarrollo de los estadios tempranos del bagre marino <i>Aphos porosus</i>, de la bahía de Valparaíso, Chile
  36. Larval fish assemblages from channels and fjords of south Pacific Patagonia: effects of environmental conditions
  37. Larval fish assemblages in two nearshore areas of the Humboldt Current System during autumn-winter in northern Chile
  38. Observations on the ontogeny of butterfish <i>Stromateus stellatus</i> larvae (Pisces: Stromateidae) off central Chile
  39. Daily growth patterns and age‐at‐recruitment of the anchoveta Engraulis ringens as indicated by a multi‐annual analysis of otolith microstructure across developmental stages
  40. Effects of salinity gradients on larval growth and otolith asymmetry of austral hake Merluccius australis
  41. Parasitic copepods affect morphospace and diet of larvae of a temperate reef fish
  42. Spatio-temporal variability of ichthyoplankton and its relationship with oceanographic conditions at the shelf break off Chilean Patagonia (43°S–51°S)
  43. Presence, Behavior, and Resighting Pattern of Transient Bottlenose Dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) in the Humboldt Current System off North-Central Chile
  44. Sharing morphospaces: early ontogenetic shape changes in two clingfish larvae (Pisces: Gobiesocidae) from the south-east Pacific Ocean
  45. Diet and body shape changes of pārokoKelloggella disalvoi(Gobiidae) from intertidal pools of Easter Island
  46. Zooplankton structure and vertical migration: Using acoustics and biomass to compare stratified and mixed fjord systems
  47. Oceanographic and lunar forcing affects nearshore larval fish assemblages from temperate rocky reefs
  48. Feeding habits and dietary overlap during the larval development of two sandperches (Pisces: Pinguipedidae)
  49. Feeding variations and shape changes of a temperate reef clingfish during its early ontogeny
  50. Seasonal variations in larval sand stargazer from Chile
  51. Growth and mortality of larval anchoveta Engraulis ringens , in northern Chile during winter and their relationship with coastal hydrographic conditions
  52. Identificación de zonas propicias para el desarrollo larval de la macarela del Pacífico(Scomber japonicus) en la porción sur de la Corriente de California
  53. Early life history traits of Harpagifer antarcticus (Harpagiferidae, Notothenioidei) from the South Shetland Islands during austral summer
  54. Moluscos planctónicos entre el fiordo Reloncaví y el golfo Corcovado, sur de Chile: ocurrencia, distribución y abundancia en invierno
  55. Trophic plasticity of larval notothenioid fish Harpagifer antarcticus in shallow waters from the South Shetland Islands, Antarctica
  56. Benthic food distribution as a predictor of the spatial distribution for shorebirds in a wetland of central Chile
  57. Record of a larval whalefish (family Cetomimidae) from near the Juan Fernandez seamounts, southeastern Pacific Ocean
  58. Paralarvae of cephalopods in channels and fjords of the southern tip of Chile (46–53°S)
  59. Spatial and temporal variations of coastal fish larvae, ectoparasites and oceanographic conditions off central Chile
  60. Diet of labrisomid blennyAuchenionchus variolosus(Valenciennes, 1836) (Labrisomidae) during its larval development off central Chile (2012-2013)
  61. Growth and condition of larval rockfish in a Patagonian fjord-type inlet: role of hydrographic conditions and food availability
  62. Parasites of fish larvae: do they follow metabolic energetic laws?
  63. Interannual variations in the hatching pattern, larval growth and otolith size of a sand-dwelling fish from central Chile
  64. Larval fish feeding ecology, growth and mortality from two basins with contrasting environmental conditions of an inner sea of northern Patagonia, Chile
  65. Comparing early life traits of hakes from Chilean Patagonian fjords inferred by otolith microstructure analysis
  66. Larval development of the southern flounder Thysanopsetta naresi from Chilean Patagonia
  67. Is ectoparasite burden related to host density? Evidence from nearshore fish larvae off the coast of central Chile
  68. Parasite richness in fish larvae from the nearshore waters of central and northern Chile
  69. Larval growth of two species of lanternfish at nearshore waters from an upwelling zone based on otolith microstructure analyses
  70. Efecto del endoparásito Prosorhynchoides sp. (Trematoda: Bucephalidae) en la capacidad de nado sostenido del baunco Girella laevifrons (Osteichthyes: Kyphosidae)
  71. Feeding success and selectivity of larval anchoveta Engraulis ringens in a fjord-type inlet from northern Patagonia (Southeast Pacific)
  72. Nest building and description of parental care behavior in a temperate reef fish, Chromis crusma (Pisces: Pomacentridae)
  73. Fish larvae retention linked to abrupt bathymetry at Mejillones Bay (northern Chile) during coastal upwelling events
  74. Hatching patterns and larval growth of a triplefin from central Chile inferred by otolith microstructure analysis
  75. Are the intertidal fish highly resistant to UV-B radiation? A study based on oxidative stress in Girella laevifrons (Kyphosidae)
  76. Larval growth, condition and fluctuating asymmetry in the otoliths of a mesopelagic fish in an area influenced by a large Patagonian glacier
  77. Planktonic duration in fourteen species of intertidal rocky fishes from the south-eastern Pacific Ocean
  78. Validations of the daily periodicity of increment deposition in rocky intertidal fish otoliths of the south-eastern Pacific Ocean
  79. Distribution of microplankton and fish larvae related to sharp clines in a Patagonian fjord
  80. Feeding habits and diet overlap of marine fish larvae from the peri-Antarctic Magellan region
  81. Condrictios fósiles del Plioceno Superior de la Formación Horcón, Región de Valparaíso, Chile central
  82. Trophic ecology of abundant reef fish in a remote oceanic island: coupling diet and feeding morphology at the Juan Fernandez Archipelago, Chile
  83. Feeding of a larval clinid fish in a microtidal estuary from southern Chile
  84. The contrasting hatching patterns and larval growth of two sympatric clingfishes inferred by otolith microstructure analysis
  85. Daily growth patterns of six species of young-of-the-year of Chilean intertidal fishes
  86. The effects of a parasitic copepod on the recent larval growth of a fish inhabiting rocky coasts
  87. Vertical distribution and gas bladder inflation/deflation in postlarval anchoveta Engraulis ringens during upwelling events
  88. Seasonal and annual variation in Chilean hake Merluccius gayi spawning locations and egg size off central Chile
  89. Eggs and larvae of anchoveta Engraulis ringens off northern Chile during the 1997-1998 El Niño event
  90. Larval development and shape variation of the kelpfish <em>Myxodes viridis</em> (Teleostei: Clinidae)
  91. Feeding habits of larval Maurolicus parvipinnis (Pisces: Sternoptychidae) in Patagonian fjords
  92. Larval fish distribution, growth and feeding in Patagonian fjords: potential effects of freshwater discharge
  93. Distribucion del ictioplancton en la Patagonia austral de Chile: potenciales efectos del deshielo de Campos de Hielo Sur
  94. Fiordos de Chile: Potencial zona de crianza de Bathylagichthys parini (Pisces: Osmeriformes: Bathylagidae)
  95. Ichthyoplankton spatial distribution and its relation with water column stratification in fjords of southern Chile (46°48′–50°09′S) in austral spring 1996 and 2008
  96. Short-term variations in mesozooplankton, ichthyoplankton, and nutrients associated with semi-diurnal tides in a patagonian Gulf
  97. Distribution of carnivorous gelatinous zooplankton in the upwelling zone off central Chile (austral spring 2001)
  98. Estados tempranos de Echinoidea en canal Lagreze, Islas Guaitecas, sur de Chile
  99. Temporal fluctuations of nearshore ichthyoplankton off Valparaíso, central Chile, during the ENSO cycle 1997-2000
  100. Larval fish assemblages off central Chile upwelling ecosystem
  101. Spawning and early nursery areas of anchoveta Engraulis ringens Jenyns, 1842 in fjords of southern Chile
  102. Larval development of the Patagonian brotulaCataetyx messieri(Pisces, Bythitidae) from fjords of southern Chile
  103. Efectos ambientales sobre la variabilidad espacial del ictioplancton de Chile austral durante noviembre de 2005
  104. Effects of temperature and lipid droplet adherence on mortality of hatchery-reared southern hake Merluccius australis larvae
  105. Larvae of the sand stargazer Sindoscopus australis and notes on the development of Dactyloscopidae (Perciformes: Blennioidei)
  106. Spawning of the southern hake Merluccius australis (Pisces: Merlucciidae) in Chilean fjords
  107. Reproductive tactics and larval development of bigeye flounder, Hippoglossina macrops, off central Chile
  108. Larval distribution and growth of the rockfish, Sebastes capensis (Sebastidae, Pisces), in the fjords of southern Chile
  109. Spawning and larval survival of the Chilean hake Merluccius gayi under later summer conditions in the Gulf of Arauco, central Chile
  111. First record of the paedomorphic goby Schindleria praematura , Easter Island, South Pacific