All Stories

  1. ‘Instruments are good at eliciting information; scores are very dangerous’: The perspectives of clinical professionals regarding neurodevelopmental assessment
  2. Children in foster care with symptoms of reactive attachment disorder: feasibility randomised controlled trial of a modified video-feedback parenting intervention
  3. Mental health and behavioural difficulties in adopted children: A systematic review of post-adoption risk and protective factors
  4. Global Workforce Development in Father Engagement Competencies for Family-Based Interventions Using an Online Training Program: A Mixed-Method Feasibility Study
  5. Socioemotional profiles of autism spectrum disorders, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, and disinhibited and reactive attachment disorders: a symptom comparison and network approach
  6. Informing the personalisation of interventions for parents of children with conduct problems: a qualitative study
  7. Identifying and managing care for children with autism spectrum disorders in general practice: A systematic review and narrative synthesis
  8. The diverse neurobiological processes and legacies of early adversity: implications for practice
  9. Early caregiving predicts attachment representations in adolescence: findings from two longitudinal studies
  10. Secondary trauma and compassion fatigue in foster carers
  11. Parenting in the community: A service evaluation of a universal, voluntary sector parenting intervention
  12. Do children adopted from British foster care show difficulties in executive functioning and social communication?
  13. Childhood maltreatment and its link to borderline personality disorder features in children: A systematic review approach
  14. A pilot randomized controlled trial of time-intensive cognitive–behaviour therapy for postpartum obsessive–compulsive disorder: effects on maternal symptoms, mother–infant interactions and attachment
  15. Editorial: Looked-after children - a perspective into a more resilient future
  16. Introduction: Looked-after children
  17. Attempting to prevent postnatal depression by targeting the mother–infant relationship: a randomised controlled trial
  18. Defiant Children: A Clinican's Manual for Assessment and Parent Training (3rd edn) Russell A. Barkley New York: Guilford, 2013. pp. 238, £26.99 (pb). ISBN: 978-1-4625-0950-8.
  19. Attachment disorders versus more common problems in looked after and adopted children: comparing community and expert assessments
  20. Callous-unemotional traits in children and mechanisms of impaired eye contact during expressions of love: a treatment target?
  21. The practical implications of the emerging findings in the neurobiology of maltreatment for looked after and adopted children: recognising the diversity of outcomes
  22. Social Learning Theory–Based Parenting Programs to Treat Attachment Difficulties: A Case Study of an Older Child Placed Late for Adoption
  23. The negative consequences of over-diagnosing attachment disorders in adopted children: The importance of comprehensive formulations
  24. Love, eye contact and the developmental origins of empathy v. psychopathy
  25. Developmental psychology through infancy, childhood, and adolescence
  26. Emotion processing in infancy: Specificity in risk for social anxiety and associations with two-year outcomes
  27. Attachment in adolescence: overlap with parenting and unique prediction of behavioural adjustment
  28. Evidence-Based Psychotherapies for Children and Adolescents
  29. Cognitive vulnerability to depression in young people in secure accommodation: The influence of ethnicity and current suicidal ideation
  30. How do suicidal ideation and self-harm contribute to depression in adolescents?
  31. The representation of fathers by children of depressed mothers: refining the meaning of parentification in high-risk samples
  32. Adoption Conversations: What, When and How to Tell
  33. Overcoming Teenage Low Mood and Depression Nicky Dummett and Chris Williams London: Hodder Arnold, 2008. pp. 347. £19.99 (pb). ISBN: 978-0-340-9465-7.
  34. Processing of faces and emotional expressions in infants at risk of social phobia
  35. Conduct Disorder in Older Children and Young People: Research Messages for Practice Problems
  36. Conversations around homework: Links to parental mental health, family characteristics and child psychological functioning
  37. Evidence-based management of conduct disorders
  38. Association between childhood feeding problems and maternal eating disorder: role of the family environment
  39. Self-exclusion from health care in women at high risk for postpartum depression
  40. Children’s Social Representations in Dolls’ House Play and Theory of Mind Tasks, and their Relation to Family Adversity and Child Disturbance
  41. Cognitive Vulnerability to Depression in 5-year-old Children of Depressed Mothers
  42. Children's play narrative responses to hypothetical dilemmas and their awareness of moral emotions
  43. Projective Doll Play Methodologies for Preschool Children
  44. Projective Doll Play Methodologies for Preschool Children
  45. Depressed Mothers' Speech to Their Infants and its Relation to Infant Gender and Cognitive Development