All Stories

  1. Anatomy of spaces around blood vessels in cerebral amyloid angiopathy
  2. Convective influx/glymphatic system: tracers injected into the CSF enter and leave the brain along separate periarterial basement membrane pathways
  3. Meninges and the movement of fluid, cells and pathogens in rodent and human central nervous system.
  4. Convective influx of CSF is most efficient in the midbrain
  5. The structure of the perivascular compartment in the old canine brain: a case study
  6. Arterial Pulsations cannot Drive Intramural Periarterial Drainage: Significance for Aβ Drainage
  7. Vascular basement membrane alterations and β-amyloid accumulations in an animal model of cerebral small vessel disease
  8. Investigating the Lymphatic Drainage of the Brain: Essential Skills and Tools
  9. Quantitative Assessment of Cerebral Basement Membranes Using Electron Microscopy
  10. Vascular basement membranes as pathways for the passage of fluid into and out of the brain
  11. Ageing, vessel structure and clearance of waste from the brain