All Stories

  1. Advancing ESSecA: a step forward in Automated Penetration Testing
  2. GDPR compliance through standard security controls: An automated approach
  3. Automated threat modelling and risk analysis in e-Government using BPMN
  4. Automated Generation of 5G Fine-Grained Threat Models: A Systematic Approach
  5. ESSecA: an Automated Expert System for Threat Modeling and Penetration Testing for IoT Ecosystems
  6. ESSecA: An automated expert system for threat modelling and penetration testing for IoT ecosystems
  7. Security and Privacy Service Level Agreement composition for Internet of Things systems on top of standard controls
  8. Automated Threat Modeling Approaches: Comparison of Open Source Tools
  9. Risk Analysis Automation Process in IT Security for Cloud Applications
  10. Demystifying the role of public intrusion datasets: A replication study of DoS network traffic data
  11. Towards HybridgeCAN, a hybrid bridged CAN platform for automotive security testing
  12. A Conceptual Model for the General Data Protection Regulation
  13. Threat Modeling of Edge-Based IoT Applications
  14. Design and Development of a Technique for the Automation of the Risk Analysis Process in IT Security
  15. A cloud-edge smart infrastructures for road safety
  16. A novel Security-by-Design methodology: Modeling and assessing security by SLAs with a quantitative approach
  17. A methodology for automated penetration testing of cloud applications
  18. Discovery of DoS attacks by the ZED-IDS anomaly detector
  19. Toward the automation of threat modeling and risk assessment in IoT systems
  20. Optimization and Validation of eGovernment Business Processes with Support of Semantic Techniques
  21. Benchmark-Based Cost Analysis of Auto Scaling Web Applications in the Cloud
  22. WETICE 2019 - General Track
  23. Service Level Agreement-based GDPR Compliance and Security assurance in (multi)Cloud-based systems
  24. Model-based deployment of secure multi-cloud applications
  25. Automated Risk Analysis for IoT Systems
  26. Internet of things reference architectures, security and interoperability: A survey
  27. Security-by-design in multi-cloud applications: An optimization approach
  28. A Proposal of a Cloud-Oriented Security and Performance Simulator Provided as-a-Service
  29. A Security SLA-Driven Moving Target Defense Framework to Secure Cloud Applications
  30. Per-service security SLAs for cloud security management: model and implementation
  31. Cloud Security Requirements Analysis and Security Policy Development Using HOOMT
  32. Dynamic security assurance in multi-cloud DevOps
  33. Automatically Enforcing Security SLAs in the Cloud
  34. A Security Metric Catalogue for Cloud Applications
  35. MUSA Deployer: Deployment of Multi-cloud Applications
  36. Malware Detection for Secure Microgrids: CoSSMic Case Study
  37. Local and interregional alpha EEG dynamics dissociate between memory for search and memory for recognition
  38. Secure microGRID in Cloud: The CoSSMic Case Study
  39. Security Assurance of (Multi-)Cloud Application with Security SLA Composition
  40. An Automatic Tool for Benchmark Testing of Cloud Applications
  41. SLAs for cloud applications: agreement protocol and REST-based implementation
  42. Security SLA in Next Generation Data Centers, the SPECS Approach
  43. Security SLAs for Cloud Services: Hadoop Case Study
  44. SLA-based Secure Cloud Application Development
  45. Cloud Security: From Per-Provider to Per-Service Security SLAs
  46. A Security SLA-driven Methodology to Set-Up Security Capabilities on Top of Cloud Services
  47. Per-Service Security SLa: A New Model for Security Management in Clouds
  48. SLA-Driven Monitoring of Multi-cloud Application Components Using the MUSA Framework
  49. A framework for cloud-aware development of bag-of-tasks scientific applications
  50. Cloud Challenges towards Free Flow of Data
  51. Methodology to Obtain the Security Controls in Multi-cloud Applications
  52. On the Next Generations of Infrastructure-as-a-Services
  53. Providing Security SLA in Next Generation Data Centers with SPECS: The EMC Case Study
  54. Security-by-design in Clouds: A Security-SLA Driven Methodology to Build Secure Cloud Applications
  55. Towards a Proof-based SLA Management Framework
  56. DoS Protection in the Cloud through the SPECS Services
  57. Economic Denial of Sustainability Mitigation in Cloud Computing
  58. Early Prediction of the Cost of Cloud Usage for HPC Applications
  59. SLA-Based Secure Cloud Application Development: The SPECS Framework
  60. Security Monitoring in the Cloud: An SLA-Based Approach
  61. REST-Based SLA Management for Cloud Applications
  62. Cloud Evaluation: Benchmarking and Monitoring
  63. Assisted sintering of silver nanoparticle inkjet ink on paper with active coatings
  64. Performance prediction of cloud applications through benchmarking and simulation
  65. Stealthy Denial of Service Strategy in Cloud Computing
  66. On the Adoption of Security SLAs in the Cloud
  67. Early Prediction of the Cost of HPC Application Execution in the Cloud
  68. A Portable Tool for Running MPI Applications in the Cloud
  69. Cloud-Aware Development of Scientific Applications
  70. Developing Secure Cloud Applications
  71. An SLA-based brokering platform to provide sensor networks as-a-service
  72. SecLA-Based Negotiation and Brokering of Cloud Resources
  73. An SLA-Based Approach to Manage Sensor Networks as-a-Service
  74. Security as a Service Using an SLA-Based Approach via SPECS
  75. Developing Secure Cloud Applications: A Case Study
  76. Cost/Performance Evaluation for Cloud Applications Using Simulation
  77. The mOSAIC Benchmarking Framework: Development and Execution of Custom Cloud Benchmarks
  78. Planting parallel program simulation on the cloud
  79. A Proposal of a Simulation-Based Approach for Service Level Agreement in Cloud
  80. Concurrent simulation in the cloud with the mJADES framework
  81. Experiences in building a mOSAIC of clouds
  82. The CloudGrid approach: Security analysis and performance evaluation
  83. SLA-Oriented Security Provisioning for Cloud Computing
  84. Simulation-Based Performance Evaluation of Cloud Applications
  85. An intrusion detection framework for supporting SLA assessment in Cloud Computing
  86. Ontology-based Negotiation of security requirements in cloud
  87. [Front matter]
  88. An SLA-based Broker for Cloud Infrastructures
  89. Benchmarks in the Cloud: The mOSAIC Benchmarking Framework
  90. Intrusion Tolerance in Cloud Applications: The mOSAIC Approach
  91. mJADES: Concurrent Simulation in the Cloud
  92. Cloud-Based Concurrent Simulation at Work: Fast Performance Prediction of Parallel Programs
  93. Intrusion Tolerance of Stealth DoS Attacks to Web Services
  94. Enhancing an Autonomic Cloud Architecture with Mobile Agents
  96. User Centric Service Level Management in mOSAIC Applications
  97. A SLA-based interface for security management in cloud and GRID integrations
  98. Cloud Application Monitoring: The mOSAIC Approach
  99. QoS Management in Cloud@Home Infrastructures
  100. Building an interoperability API for Sky computing
  101. CHASE: An Autonomic Service Engine for Cloud Environments
  102. Intrusion Tolerant Approach for Denial of Service Attacks to Web Services
  103. Performance Prediction for HPC on Clouds
  104. Cloud@Home: Performance Management Components
  105. The Cloud@Home Project: Towards a New Enhanced Computing Paradigm
  106. A Cloud Agency for SLA Negotiation and Management
  107. Access Control in Cloud-on-Grid Systems: The PerfCloud Case Study
  108. Architecturing a Sky Computing Platform
  109. Security and Performance Trade-off in PerfCloud
  110. Identity federation in cloud computing
  111. Autonomic Composite-service Architecture with MAWeS
  112. Cloud Agency: A Mobile Agent Based Cloud System
  113. Instantaneous Load Dependent Servers (iLDS) Model for Web Services
  114. An interoperability system for authentication and authorisation in VANETs
  115. Web Services Resilience Evaluation using LDS Load dependent Server Models.
  116. A Service for Virtual Cluster Performance Evaluation
  117. PerfCloud: Performance-Oriented Integration of Cloud and GRID
  118. PerfCloud: GRID Services for Performance-Oriented Development of Cloud Computing Applications
  119. Self-optimization of secure web services
  120. Simulation-based optimization of multiple-task GRID applications
  121. Message from General Chair(s)
  122. A Framework for Mobile Agent Platform performance Evaluation
  123. Cluster systems and simulation: from benchmarking to off-line performance prediction
  124. Optimizing secure Web Services with MAWeS: A case study
  125. Static evaluation of Certificate Policies for GRID PKIs interoperability
  126. Autonomic Web service development with MAWeS
  127. Performance Oriented Development and Tuning of GRID Applications
  128. Self-optimization of MPI Applications Within an Autonomic Framework
  129. Performance prediction through simulation of a hybrid MPI/OpenMP application
  130. An Innovative Policy-Based Cross Certification Methodology for Public Key Infrastructures
  131. Security design and evaluation in a VoIP secure infrastracture: a policy based approach
  132. Self-optimizing MPI Applications: A Simulation-Based Approach
  133. Performance simulation of a hybrid openMP/MPI application with HeSSE
  134. Security level evaluation: policy and fuzzy techniques
  135. A Performance-Oriented Technique for Hybrid Application Development
  136. Performance modeling of scientific applications: scalability analysis of LAPW0
  137. Off-Line Performance Prediction of Message-Passing Applications on Cluster Systems
  138. MetaPL: A Notation System for Parallel Program Description and Performance Analysis
  139. The Transition from a PVM Program Simulator to a Heterogeneous System Simulator: The HeSSE Project
  140. Access Control in Federated Clouds
  141. Access Control in Federated Clouds
  142. Security Issues in Cloud Federations
  143. Design and implementation of TruMan, a Trust Manager Component for Distributed Systems
  144. A Simulation-Based Framework for Autonomic Web Services
  145. Performance-Driven Development of a Web Services Application using MetaPL/HeSSE
  146. Building Autonomic and Secure Service Oriented Architectures with MAWeS
  147. Interoperable Grid PKIs Among Untrusted Domains: An Architectural Proposal
  148. Mobile Agents Self-optimization with MAWeS
  149. A SLA evaluation methodology in Service Oriented Architectures