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  1. Application of Preheated Low-concentration Hydrogen Peroxide as an Oxidizer for Hybrid Rockets
  2. Combustion Characteristics of Stabilized Combustion with Liquid Oxygen at Different Operating Conditions
  3. Application of Low Concentration Hydrogen Peroxide for Hybrid Rocket Propulsion System for Small Spacecraft
  4. Initial Firing Tests of Aluminum Rod/Water Hybrid Rockets
  5. Preliminary Thermal Design for Microsatellites Deployed from International Space Station’s Kibo Module
  6. Fuel Regression Characteristics of a Novel Axial-Injection End-Burning Hybrid Rocket
  7. Verification Firings of End-Burning Type Hybrid Rockets
  8. Method for Determining Nozzle-Throat-Erosion History in Hybrid Rockets
  9. Experimental and Analytical Investigation of Effect of Pressure on Regression Rate of Axial-Injection End-Burning Hybrid Rockets
  10. Verification Firings of End-burning Type Hybrid Rockets
  11. Thermal Design Procedure for Micro- and Nanosatellites Pointing to Earth