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  1. From stability to dynamics: understanding molecular mechanisms of regulatory T cells through Foxp3 transcriptional dynamics
  2. A temporally dynamic Foxp3 autoregulatory transcriptional circuit controls the effector Treg programme
  3. A timer for analyzing temporally dynamic changes in transcription during differentiation in vivo
  4. Elucidating the activation mechanisms for bifurcation of regulatory and effector T cell fates by multidimensional single cell analysis
  5. A temporally dynamic Foxp3 autoregulatory transcriptional circuit controls the effector Treg programme
  6. A Timer for analyzing temporally dynamic changes in transcription during differentiation in vivo
  7. FoxP3 partners up
  8. Interplay between the skin barrier and immune cells in patients with atopic dermatitis unraveled by means of mathematical modeling
  9. Sonic Hedgehog regulates thymic epithelial cell differentiation
  10. Regulatory T Cells in Melanoma Revisited by a Computational Clustering of FOXP3+T Cell Subpopulations
  11. A genome wide transcriptional model of the complex response to pre-TCR signalling during thymocyte differentiation
  12. Controversies concerning thymus-derived regulatory T cells: fundamental issues and a new perspective
  13. A Zap70-dependent feedback circuit is essential for efficient selection of CD4 lineage thymocytes
  14. Follicular helper T cell signature in type 1 diabetes
  15. Visualisation of the T cell differentiation programme by Canonical Correspondence Analysis of transcriptomes
  16. Rab3Gap1 mediates exocytosis of Claudin-1 and tight junction formation during epidermal barrier acquisition
  17. CD4+ but not CD8+ T cells revert the impaired emotional behavior of immunocompromised RAG-1-deficient mice
  18. Skin Disease Modeling from a Mathematical Perspective
  19. Risk factor-dependent dynamics of atopic dermatitis: modelling multi-scale regulation of epithelium homeostasis
  20. Tissue-Derived Hedgehog Proteins Modulate Th Differentiation and Disease
  21. Visualising the Cross-Level Relationships between Pathological and Physiological Processes and Gene Expression: Analyses of Haematological Diseases
  22. Differential effects of inhibition of bone morphogenic protein (BMP) signalling on T-cell activation and differentiation
  23. Ethics should trump science in Fukushima
  24. Skin Barrier Homeostasis in Atopic Dermatitis: Feedback Regulation of Kallikrein Activity
  25. Perturbations of both nonregulatory and regulatory FOXP3+ T cells in patients with malignant melanoma
  26. HTLV-1 bZIP Factor Induces T-Cell Lymphoma and Systemic Inflammation In Vivo
  27. Indispensable Role of the Runx1-Cbfβ Transcription Complex for In Vivo-Suppressive Function of FoxP3+ Regulatory T Cells
  28. Functional Delineation and Differentiation Dynamics of Human CD4+ T Cells Expressing the FoxP3 Transcription Factor
  29. Regulatory T Cells and Immune Tolerance
  30. Foxp3 controls regulatory T-cell function by interacting with AML1/Runx1
  31. Foxp3+CD25+CD4+ natural regulatory T cells in dominant self-tolerance and autoimmune disease
  32. Cutaneous alternariosis in an immunocompetent patient: analysis of the internal transcribed spacer region of rDNA and Brm2 of isolated Alternaria alternata