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  1. An excited atom interacting with a Chern insulator: toward a far-field resonant Casimir–Polder repulsion
  2. Physics of interactions between atom and material surfaces
  3. Intermediate-Range Casimir-Polder Interaction Probed by High-Order Slow Atom Diffraction
  4. Plasmono-atomic interactions on a fiber tip
  5. Coupling of atomic quadrupole transitions with resonant surface plasmons
  6. Tuning the surface Casimir-Polder interaction
  7. Retardation effects in spectroscopic measurements of the Casimir-Polder interaction
  8. Tailoring optical metamaterials to tune the atom-surface Casimir-Polder interaction
  9. Doppler-free approach to optical pumping dynamics in the 6S_1/2−5D_5/2 electric quadrupole transition of cesium vapor
  10. Atomic Response in the Near-Field of Nanostructured Plasmonic Metamaterial
  11. Time reversal in matter-wave optics
  12. Negative-Index Media for Matter-Wave Optics