All Stories

  1. The Histidine Kinase BinK Is a Negative Regulator of Biofilm Formation and Squid Colonization
  2. TfoX-Based Genetic Mapping Identifies Vibrio fischeri Strain-Level Differences and Reveals a Common Lineage of Laboratory Strains
  3. Genome-Wide Identification of Acinetobacter baumannii Genes Necessary for Persistence in the Lung
  4. Transcriptional occlusion caused by overlapping promoters
  5. Genetic determinants of swimming motility in the squid light‐organ symbiont Vibrio fischeri
  6. Chemoreceptor VfcA Mediates Amino Acid Chemotaxis in Vibrio fischeri
  7. Squid-Derived Chitin Oligosaccharides Are a Chemotactic Signal during Colonization by Vibrio fischeri
  8. Colonization of Euprymna scolopes Squid by Vibrio fischeri
  9. Draft Genome Sequence of Vibrio fischeri SR5, a Strain Isolated from the Light Organ of the Mediterranean Squid Sepiola robusta
  10. O-antigen and Core Carbohydrate of Vibrio fischeri Lipopolysaccharide: COMPOSITION AND ANALYSIS OF THEIR ROLE IN EUPRYMNA SCOLOPES LIGHT ORGAN COLONIZATION
  11. Contribution of Rapid Evolution of theluxR-luxIIntergenic Region to the Diverse Bioluminescence Outputs ofVibrio fischeriStrains Isolated from Different Environments
  12. Models and approaches to dissect host–symbiont specificity
  13. A single regulatory gene is sufficient to alter bacterial host range
  14. AinS Quorum Sensing Regulates the Vibrio fischeri Acetate Switch
  15. Comparative genomics-based investigation of resequencing targets in Vibrio fischeri: Focus on point miscalls and artefactual expansions
  16. Crl Facilitates RNA Polymerase Holoenzyme Formation
  17. Escherichia coli Starvation Diets: Essential Nutrients Weigh in Distinctly
  18. Starvation for Different Nutrients in Escherichia coli Results in Differential Modulation of RpoS Levels and Stability