All Stories

  1. Stiegler’s ecological thought: The politics of knowledge in the anthropocene
  2. From the postmodern to the ecological
  3. What is the role of the university today?
  4. After Bauman
  5. Cultural Politics Now
  6. Critical Luxury Studies: Art, Design, Media
  7. Luxus
  8. Chapter 2. Carnotopia: The Culture of Sadism in Nymphomaniac, Shame and Thanatomorphose
  9. Chaosmic spasm: Guattari, Stiegler, Berardi, and the digital apocalypse
  10. The Negative Abyss
  11. Why sociology?
  12. After Austerity?
  13. Tocqueville's Virus
  14. Event Horizon: Utopia-Dystopia in Bauman’s Thought
  15. Ruin Value
  16. Empire and Utopia: A Psychoanalytic Critique of Totality
  17. Economies of sacrifice: Recognition, monadism, and alien‐ation∗
  18. Why sociology?