All Stories

  1. Robots in the Wild: Contextually-Adaptive Human-Robot Interactions in Urban Public Environments
  2. My Eyes Speak: Improving Perceived Sociability of Autonomous Vehicles in Shared Spaces Through Emotional Robotic Eyes
  3. Trustworthy Embodied Conversational Agents for Healthcare
  4. Towards a Design (Research) Framework with Generative AI
  5. Exploring Participatory Design in Urban Community Gardens
  6. Creative AI for Design Explorations in Human-Robot Interaction
  7. Context-Based Interface Prototyping: Understanding the Effect of Prototype Representation on User Feedback
  8. A Tangible Multi-Display Toolkit to Support the Collaborative Design Exploration of AV-Pedestrian Interfaces
  9. Augmenting Remote Interviews through Virtual Experience Prototypes
  10. Emotional expressions of non-humanoid urban robots
  11. Stop and Smell the Chalk Flowers
  12. Let's take a selfie
  13. Designing Mobile Low-Resolution Media Architecture