All Stories

  1. Sorbitol enhances the stability of vitamin B12
  2. What is the cobalamin status among vegetarians and vegans in Australia?
  3. Ascorbic Acid Effectively Improved Lutein Extraction Yield from Australian Sweet Lupin Flour
  4. Enhancing wheat muffin aroma through addition of germinated and fermented Australian sweet lupin ( Lupinus angustifolius L. ) and soybean ( Glycine max L. ) flour
  5. Aroma characteristics of lupin and soybean after germination and effect of fermentation on lupin aroma
  6. Determination of Protein in Lupin Using Liquid Chromatography Coupled with Organic Carbon Detector and Organic Nitrogen Detector (LC-OCD-OND): Validation of a New Method
  7. Folates in quinoa ( Chenopodium quinoa ), amaranth ( Amaranthus sp.) and buckwheat ( Fagopyrum esculentum ): Influence of cooking and malting
  8. Effect of Germination and Fermentation on Carbohydrate Composition of Australian Sweet Lupin and Soybean Seeds and Flours
  9. Evaluating folate extraction from infant milk formulae and adult nutritionals: Enzymatic digestion versus enzyme-free heat treatment
  10. Lutein and β-Carotene in Selected Asian Leafy Vegetables
  11. Probiotic-loaded microcapsule system for human in situ folate production: Encapsulation and system validation
  12. Voluntary fortification of breakfast cereals with folic acid: contribution to dietary intake in Australia
  13. The Potential Use of Fermented Chickpea and Faba Bean Flour as Food Ingredients
  14. Thiamin: Properties and Determination
  15. Thiamin fortification of bread-making flour: Retention in bread and levels in Australian commercial fortified bread varieties
  16. Transport of folic acid across Caco-2 cells is more effective than 5-methyltetrahydrofolate following the in vitro digestion of fortified bread
  17. Folic Acid-fortified Flour: Optimised and Fast Sample Preparation Coupled with a Validated High-Speed Mass Spectrometry Analysis Suitable for a Fortification Monitoring Program
  18. Folate analysis in foods by UPLC-MS/MS: development and validation of a novel, high throughput quantitative assay; folate levels determined in Australian fortified breads