All Stories

  1. Debating kinship in the early Middle Ages
  2. Foreign dangers: activities, responsibilities and the problem of women abroad
  3. 11 Agilulf, “The Nonexistent Knight” and the Forging of the Italian “Germanic” Past
  4. Due ‘adulatori italiani’ al servizio dei re barbarici. Cassiodoro e Venanzio Fortunato
  5. Sauver sonâme et se perpétuer. Transmission du patrimoine et mémoire au haut Moyen Âge - Edited by François Bougard, Cristina La Rocca and Régine Le Jan
  6. Using the Roman past. Abandoned towns and local power in eleventhcentury Piemonte
  7. Tesori. Forme di accumulazione della ricchezza nell’alto medioevo (secoli V-XI) by Sauro Gelichi and Cristina La Rocca
  8. Italy in the Early Middle Ages, 476-1000 Cristina La Rocca
  9. L'évolution d'une figure hagiographique de l'Italie du Haut Moyen Âge : saint Sabin
  10. Multas amaritudines filius meus mihi fecit. Conflitti intrafamiliari nell'Italia longobarda (secolo VIII)
  11. A man for all seasons: Pacificus of Verona and the creation of a local Carolingian past