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  1. Masculinity threat and implicit associations with feminine gay men: Sexual orientation, sexual stigma, and traditional masculinity.
  2. Sexual Prejudice in Sport Scale: A New Measure
  3. Gender Roles and Internalized Sexual Stigma in Gay and Lesbian Persons: A Quadratic Relation
  4. Forgiveness and religious practice: a study on a sample of Italian preadolescents
  5. Coming Out to Siblings and Internalized Sexual Stigma: The Moderating Role of Gender in a Sample of Italian Participants
  6. Assessing Prejudice Toward Two-Father Parenting and Two-Mother Parenting: The Beliefs on Same-Sex Parenting Scale
  7. Attitude of Italian Gay Men and Italian Lesbian Women Towards Gay and Lesbian Gender-Typed Scenarios
  8. Coming-Out to Family Members and Internalized Sexual Stigma in Bisexual, Lesbian and Gay People
  9. Attitude Toward Gay Men in an Italian Sample: Masculinity and Sexual Orientation Make a Difference