All Stories

  1. From Apparent Unity to Diversity: Penal Policies of (Former) Yugoslav Republics
  2. Convergence of Traditional and Online Property Crime Victimization in a City with Little Offline Crime
  3. Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Crime in Switzerland in 2020: A First Assessment
  4. Discrimination and victimisation of minorities in Spain: The research potential of the EU-MIDIS project
  5. ¿Realmente theft quiere decir hurto? y otras equivalencias dudosas entre las definiciones legales y criminológicas de las infracciones: Consecuencias para el estudio de la delincuencia
  6. La gestion des informations dans le cadre de l’analyse criminelle de la délinquance sexuelle sérielle
  7. Cross-National Comparisons Based on Official Statistics of Crime
  8. The level of attrition in domestic violence: A valid indicator of the efficiency of a criminal justice system?
  9. Introduction to the Special Issue on Crime and Criminal Justice in Europe
  10. The Tree That Hides the Forest? Testing the Construct Validity of ViCLAS through an Empirical Study of Missing Data
  11. Crime Drop or Police Recording Flop? On the Relationship between the Decrease of Offline Crime and the Increase of Online and Hybrid Crimes
  12. Are juvenile criminal justice statistics comparable across countries? A study of the data available in 45 European nations
  13. Customary justice for children in Egypt: an overview of the situation in the Governorate of Assyut
  14. Long-Term Trends in Crime
  15. Have community sanctions and measures widened the net of the European criminal justice systems?
  16. Aging Prisoners in Switzerland
  17. The epistemological obstacles in comparative criminology: A special issue introduction
  18. Is There a Relationship Between Imprisonment and Crime in Western Europe?
  19. The persistence of lifestyles: Rates and correlates of homicide in Western Europe from 1960 to 2010
  20. Conviction Statistics as Measures of Crime
  21. National Victimization Surveys
  22. Collecting statistics on prisons: Strengths and weaknesses of the United Nations Survey of Crime Trends and Operations of Criminal Justice Systems
  23. Wrongful Convictions and Miscarriages of Justice
  24. Crime Trends in Western Europe according to Official Statistics from 1990 to 2007
  25. Conviction Statistics as an Indicator of Crime Trends in Europe from 1990 to 2006
  26. Regional Variation in Europe Between Homicide and Other Forms of External Death and Criminal Offences
  27. Is There a Crime Drop in Western Europe?
  28. Methodological Issues in the Comparison of Police-Recorded Crime Rates
  29. Defining and registering criminal offences and measures
  30. Reunión de estadísticas sobre el sistema penitenciario: Ventajas y desventajas del Estudio de las Naciones Unidas sobre tendencias delictivas y funcionamiento de los sistemas de justicia penal
  31. Switzerland
  32. Les détenus étrangers en Europe : quelques considérations critiques sur les données disponibles de 1989 à 2006
  33. Effects of drug substitution programs on offending among drug‐addicts
  34. The Prosecution Service Function within the Spanish Criminal Justice System
  35. When the Line is Crossed... Paths to Control and Sanction Behaviour Necessitating a State Reaction
  36. The Criminal Justice Approach: Case Examples
  37. Les sondages de délinquance autoreportée : origines, fiabilité et validité
  38. PROTOCOL: Effects of Drug Substitution Programs on Re‐offending
  39. Crime and Punishment in Switzerland, 1985-1999
  40. Crime Trends in Western Europe from 1990 to 2000
  41. Introduction
  42. Tourisme et sécurité en Andalousie : résultats d'une enquête de victimation auprès des touristes
  43. Comment mesurer la délinquance des toxicomanes adultes ? Une comparaison empirique de la validité des registres de police et des sondages de délinquance autoreportée
  44. La relation entre cures de substitution à la méthadone et prévention de la délinquance : une réponse critique à Niveau et Laureau
  45. Learning Through Controlled Experiments: Community Service and Heroin Prescription in Switzerland
  46. Does Community Service Rehabilitate better than Short-term Imprisonment?: Results of a Controlled Experiment
  47. Prescription médicale de stupéfiants et délinquance
  48. Crime Trends in Western Europe according to Official Statistics from 1990 to 2007
  49. Crossnational Comparisons Based on Official Statistics of Crime
  50. Crossnational Comparisons Based on Official Statistics of Crime