All Stories

  1. How children and adults show something of (their beliefs in) God by (inter)acting during worship
  2. Making Sense of the Psalms
  3. Religious Identity Exploration in the Life Stories of Strictly Reformed-Raised Emerging Adults in the Netherlands
  4. Dialog in Religious Education at a Dutch Cooperation School. A Pilot Study
  5. Stimulating Inquisitiveness: Teachers at Orthodox Protestant Schools about their Roles in Religious Socialization
  6. Setting the stage for children’s participation in worship practices
  7. Dutch Cooperation Schools as Democratic Communities: A Constructive Perspective from Dewey’s View on Democracy in Education
  8. Being Young and Strictly Religious: A Review of the Literature on the Religious Identity Development of Strictly Religious Adolescents
  9. “I Have Dutch Nationality, But Others Do Not See Me as a Dutchman, of Course”
  10. How cohesion matters: Teachers and their choice to work at an orthodox Protestant school
  11. Sacro-Soundscapes: Interpreting Contemporary Ritual Performances of Sacred Music through the Case of The Passion in the Netherlands
  12. ‘O Lord, Save the Queen⦠or the King?’ Beyond Vernacular Liturgy in the Netherlands
  13. The Comeback of Parents in Catechesis Practices
  14. Sources for Religious Identity Development of Orthoprax Muslim Adolescents in the Netherlands
  15. Youth Worship as Recreation