All Stories

  1. Low mitochondrial diversity in native Italian pig breeds is consistent with the occurrence of strong population bottlenecks
  2. Goat domestication and breeding: a jigsaw of historical, biological and molecular data with missing pieces
  3. Mitochondrial DNA variation in Ukrainian wild boars
  4. Investigating the genetic regulation of the expression of 63 lipid metabolism genes in the pig skeletal muscle
  5. A genome-wide association analysis for carcass traits in a commercial Duroc pig population
  6. A mitochondrial analysis reveals distinct founder effect signatures in Canarian and Balearic goats
  7. East African pigs have a complex Indian, Far Eastern and Western ancestry
  8. Variation at the 3′-UTR of the goatαS2- andβ-casein genes is not associated with milk protein and dry matter contents in Murciano-Granadina goats
  9. Genetic variation at the caprinelactalbumin, alpha(LALBA) gene and its association with milk lactose concentration
  10. Application of the microarray technology to the transcriptional analysis of muscle phenotypes in pigs
  11. Quantitative trait loci analysis of a Duroc commercial population highlights differences in the genetic determination of meat quality traits at two different muscles