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  1. The benefits of action to reduce household air pollution (BAR-HAP) model: A new decision support tool
  2. The role of hydropower in visions of water resources development for rivers of Western Nepal
  3. Seeing, believing, and behaving: Heterogeneous effects of an information intervention on household water treatment
  4. Biomarkers of chronic fluoride exposure in groundwater in a highly exposed population
  5. Systematic Review of Water-Economy Modeling Applications
  6. How much do alternative cookstoves reduce biomass fuel use? Evidence from North India
  7. Social capital, trust, and adaptation to climate change: Evidence from rural Ethiopia
  8. Optimizing irrigation efficiency improvements in the Aral Sea Basin
  9. CKD of Uncertain Etiology: A Systematic Review
  10. Preferences for improved cook stoves: Evidence from rural villages in north India
  11. The Economics of Household Air Pollution
  12. A matter of good taste: investigating preferences for in-house water treatment in peri-urban communities in Cambodia
  13. How would the Rogun Dam affect water and energy scarcity in Central Asia?
  14. Nephrotoxic contaminants in drinking water and urine, and chronic kidney disease in rural Sri Lanka
  15. The costs of uncoordinated infrastructure management in multi-reservoir river basins
  16. Fluoride exposure from groundwater as reflected by urinary fluoride and children's dental fluorosis in the Main Ethiopian Rift Valley
  17. The effect of non-fluoride factors on risk of dental fluorosis: Evidence from rural populations of the Main Ethiopian Rift
  18. Are hydropower and irrigation development complements or substitutes? The example of the Nam Ngum River in the Mekong Basin
  19. The Grand Renaissance Dam and prospects for cooperation on the Eastern Nile
  20. Water resources planning under climate change: Assessing the robustness of real options for the Blue Nile
  21. How do People in Rural India Perceive Improved Stoves and Clean Fuel? Evidence from Uttar Pradesh and Uttarakhand
  22. Why “improved” water sources are not always safe
  23. Preferences for Improved Cook Stoves: Evidence from North Indian Villages
  24. Heterogeneous Effects of Information on Household Behaviors to Improve Water Quality
  25. Water quality risks of ‘improved’ water sources: evidence from Cambodia
  26. The Long-Term Dynamics of Mortality Benefits from Improved Water and Sanitation in Less Developed Countries
  27. Water quality perceptions and willingness to pay for clean water in peri-urban Cambodian communities
  28. Interdependence in water resource development in the Ganges: an economic analysis
  29. Ten fundamental questions for water resources development in the Ganges: myths and realities
  30. Implications of climate change for water resources development in the Ganges basin
  31. Groundwater quality and its health impact: An assessment of dental fluorosis in rural inhabitants of the Main Ethiopian Rift
  32. Setting Priorities, Targeting Subsidies among Water, Sanitation, and Preventive Health Interventions in Developing Countries
  33. The Effect of Water Quality Testing on Household Behavior: Evidence from an Experiment in Rural India
  34. Benefits and Costs of Improved Cookstoves: Assessing the Implications of Variability in Health, Forest and Climate Impacts
  35. Giving Stated Preference Respondents “Time to Think”: Results From Four Countries
  36. Economic implications of climate change for infrastructure planning in transboundary water systems: An example from the Blue Nile
  37. Estimating the private benefits of vaccination against cholera in Beira, Mozambique: A travel cost approach
  38. Cost-Effectiveness of New-Generation Oral Cholera Vaccines: A Multisite Analysis
  39. Using private demand studies to calculate socially optimal vaccine subsidies in developing countries
  40. Cost–benefit comparisons of investments in improved water supply and cholera vaccination programs
  41. A Cost–Benefit Analysis of Cholera Vaccination Programs in Beira, Mozambique
  42. Sustaining the benefits of rural water supply investments: Experience from Cochabamba and Chuquisaca, Bolivia
  43. The cost-effectiveness of typhoid Vi vaccination programs: Calculations for four urban sites in four Asian countries
  44. Private demand for cholera vaccines in Beira, Mozambique
  45. The Challenge of Improving Water and Sanitation Services in Less Developed Countries