All Stories

  1. Teaching Evidence-Based Medicine and Non-conventional (Alternative) Therapies in Portuguese Veterinary Schools—A Curricular Assessment
  2. Bibliometric trend analysis of non-conventional (alternative) therapies in veterinary research
  3. 77. The use and misuse of the Universal Declaration of Animal Rights in Portugal
  4. Understanding the Human–Reptile Bond: An Exploratory Mixed-Methods Study
  5. Pet Reptiles—Are We Meeting Their Needs?
  6. Stamping Out Animal Culling: From Anthropocentrism to One Health Ethics
  7. Establishing Animal Welfare Rules of Conduct for the Portuguese Veterinary Profession—Results from a Policy Delphi with Vignettes
  8. Opinions of Portuguese Veterinarians on Telemedicine—A Policy Delphi Study
  9. Evolution of the Teaching of Animal Welfare Science, Ethics and Law in European Veterinary Schools (2012–2019)
  10. Reply to the Comment Re: Magalhães-Sant’Ana, M. Animals 2019, 9, 168
  11. Sedating a horse for the purpose of film production
  12. The Emperor’s New Clothes—An Epistemological Critique of Traditional Chinese Veterinary Acupuncture
  13. 47. What challenges is the veterinary profession facing – an analysis of complaints against veterinarians in Portugal
  14. Professionals in food chains
  15. Challenges facing the veterinary profession in Ireland: 2. On-farm use of veterinary antimicrobials
  16. Challenges facing the veterinary profession in Ireland: 3. emergency and casualty slaughter certification
  17. Challenges facing the veterinary profession in Ireland: 1. clinical veterinary services
  18. Resisting the urge to prescribe vancomycin
  19. Ethical challenges facing veterinary professionals in Ireland: results from Policy Delphi with vignette methodology
  20. Refusing to take part in euthanasia
  21. Straight from the Horse's Mouth: Using Vignettes to Support Student Learning in Veterinary Ethics
  22. A theoretical framework for human and veterinary medical ethics education
  23. Letter to the Editor
  24. What do European veterinary codes of conduct actually say and mean? A case study approach
  25. Ethics teaching in European veterinary schools: a qualitative case study
  26. Examining Why Ethics Is Taught to Veterinary Students: A Qualitative Study of Veterinary Educators' Perspectives
  27. Comments on the dilemma in the June issue: ‘A stitch in time. . . ’
  28. Zoocentrism
  29. Comfort, health and production: Portuguese dairy farmers talk about animal welfare
  30. Bringing animal ethics teaching into the public domain: the Animalogos experience
  31. Ethical futures: bioscience and food horizons