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  1. A unified energy-optimality criterion predicts human navigation paths and speeds
  2. The metabolic cost of changing walking speeds is significant, implies lower optimal speeds for shorter distances, and increases daily energy estimates
  3. Stepping in the direction of the fall: the next foot placement can be predicted from current upper body state in steady-state walking
  4. Sideways walking: preferred is slow, slow is optimal, and optimal is expensive
  5. People Bouncing on Trampolines: Dramatic Energy Transfer, a Table-Top Demonstration, Complex Dynamics and a Zero Sum Game
  6. Walking, running, and resting under time, distance, and average speed constraints: optimality of walk-run-rest mixtures
  7. System Identification and Stability Analysis of Steady Human Walking and the Swing Leg Dynamics
  8. Fifteen observations on the structure of energy-minimizing gaits in many simple biped models
  9. Binding site models of friction due to the formation and rupture of bonds: State-function formalism, force-velocity relations, response to slip velocity transients, and slip stability
  10. Chaos in a soda can: Non-periodic rocking of upright cylinders with sensitive dependence on initial conditions
  11. Optimal speeds for walking and running, and walking on a moving walkway
  12. Rocking and rolling: A can that appears to rock might actually roll
  13. How well can spring-mass-like telescoping leg models fit multi-pedal sagittal-plane locomotion data?
  14. Idealized walking and running gaits minimize work
  15. A collisional model of the energetic cost of support work qualitatively explains leg sequencing in walking and galloping, pseudo-elastic leg behavior in running and the walk-to-run transition
  16. Computer optimization of a minimal biped model discovers walking and running