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  1. The neurosteroid allopregnanolone protects retinal neurons by effects on autophagy and GABRs/GABAA receptors in rat glaucoma models
  2. Additive neuroprotective effects of 24(S)-hydroxycholesterol and allopregnanolone in an ex vivo rat glaucoma model
  3. Optic Disc Margin Anatomic Features in Myopic Eyes with Glaucoma with Spectral-Domain OCT
  4. Focal Lamina Cribrosa Defect in Myopic Eyes With Nonprogressive Glaucomatous Visual Field Defect
  5. Multiple Temporal Lamina Cribrosa Defects in Myopic Eyes with Glaucoma and Their Association with Visual Field Defects
  6. Association of Myopic Deformation of Optic Disc with Visual Field Progression in Paired Eyes with Open-Angle Glaucoma
  7. TSPO activation modulates the effects of high pressure in a rat ex vivo glaucoma model
  8. 24(S)-Hydroxycholesterol protects the ex vivo rat retina from injury by elevated hydrostatic pressure
  9. Association of Myopic Optic Disc Deformation with Visual Field Defects in Paired Eyes with Open-Angle Glaucoma: A Cross-Sectional Study
  10. Dorzolamide-induced relaxation of isolated rabbit ciliary arteries mediated by inhibition of extracellular calcium influx
  11. Lamina Cribrosa Depth Variation Measured by Spectral-Domain Optical Coherence Tomography Within and Between Four Glaucomatous Optic Disc Phenotypes
  12. Structure and function of the interphotoreceptor matrix surrounding retinal photoreceptor cells
  13. Experimentally Induced Mammalian Models of Glaucoma
  14. Future Therapies of Wet Age-Related Macular Degeneration
  15. Neurosteroids Are Endogenous Neuroprotectants in an Ex Vivo Glaucoma Model
  16. Excitotoxicity and Glaucoma
  17. Screening for Narrow Angles in the Japanese Population Using Scanning Peripheral Anterior Chamber Depth Analyzer
  18. Abnormalities in Glutamate Metabolism and Excitotoxicity in the Retinal Diseases
  19. Risk factors for primary open-angle glaucoma in Japanese subjects attending community health screenings
  20. Structural changes in the lacrimal sac epithelium and associated lymphoid tissue during experimental dacryocystitis
  21. Optic Nerve Head Morphology Assessed by Laser Scanning Tomography in Normal Japanese Subjects
  22. Downregulation of Glutamine Synthetase via GLAST Suppression Induces Retinal Axonal Swelling in a Rat Ex Vivo Hydrostatic Pressure Model
  23. Effects of Acutely Elevated Hydrostatic Pressure in a Rat Ex Vivo Retinal Preparation
  24. Effects of brinzolamide vs timolol as an adjunctive medication to latanoprost on circadian intraocular pressure control in primary open-angle glaucoma Japanese patients
  25. Temperature-dependent ultrastructural changes in the cone interphotoreceptor matrix
  26. Clinical Evaluation of Local Ocular Toxicity in Candidate Anti-Adenoviral Agents in vivo
  27. Acute Vigabatrin Retinotoxicity in Albino Rats Depends on Light But Not GABA
  28. Role of ammonia in reversal of glutamate-mediated Müller cell swelling in the rat retina
  29. Ultrastructural Changes in Rat Eyes with Experimental Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada Disease
  30. Wistar Rat Palpebral Conjunctiva Contains More Slow-cycling Stem Cells That Have Larger Proliferative Capacity Implication for Conjunctival Epithelial Homeostasis
  31. Lectin Cytochemistry of the Rabbit Conjunctiva and Lacrimal Sac
  32. Lectin Cytochemistry of the Lacrimal Sac Epithelium in Experimental Dacryocystitis
  33. Investigation of Luminal Surface Structures of Rod Photoreceptor Outer Segments by Lectin Cytochemistry Combined with Freeze-Etching
  34. Lectin Cytochemical Analysis of Lacrimal Pleomorphic Adenomas
  35. Sialoglycoconjugates in Primary and Recurrent Mixed Tumors of Lacrimal Glands
  36. Preference of Peanut Agglutinin Labeling for Long-wavelength-sensitive Cone Photoreceptors in the Dace Retina
  37. Lectin cytochemical analysis of glycoconjugates in photoreceptor cell membranes of Lampetra japonica
  38. pH-Dependent Changes in interphotoreceptor Matrix Domains Surrounding Cone Photoreceptors
  39. Immunohistochemical localization of inhibin in the retinal interphotoreceptor matrix
  40. Fine structure and lectin histochemistry of the apical surface of the free neuromast of Lampetra japonica
  41. Quantitative Assessment of Influence of Aging on Optokinetic Nystagmus
  42. Demonstration by lectin cytochemistry of rod and cone photoreceptors in the lamprey retina
  43. Photoreceptor disk membranes of Lampetra japonica
  44. Demonstration of rod and cone photoreceptors in the lamprey retina by freeze-replication and immunofluorescence
  45. Gap junctions and synaptic relations of horizontal cells in lamprey retina