All Stories

  1. Residential Land Use Change in the Wissahickon Creek Watershed: Profitability and Sustainability?
  2. Designing a Blue-Green Infrastructure (BGI) Network: Toward Water-Sensitive Urban Growth Planning in Dhaka, Bangladesh
  3. Mapping the Emotional Experience of Travel to Understand Cycle-Transit User Behavior
  4. Economic, ecological, and equity dimensions of brownfield redevelopment plans for environmental justice communities in the USA
  5. Kevin Lynch's "City Imageability" concept in the digital age
  6. Integrating placemaking concepts into Green Stormwater Infrastructure design in the City of Philadelphia
  7. Prioritizing Suitable Locations for Green Stormwater Infrastructure Based on Social Factors in Philadelphia
  8. Just Sustainability in the Global South: A Case Study of the Megacity of Dhaka
  9. Planning for watershed-wide flood-mitigation and stormwater management using an environmental justice framework
  10. Regulatory Practices of Urban Agriculture: A Connection to Planning and Policy
  11. Assessing the Spatial Connection between Urban Agriculture and Equity
  12. Equitable distribution of green stormwater infrastructure: a capacity-based framework for implementation in disadvantaged communities
  13. Using participatory and mixed-methods approaches in GIS to develop a Place-Based Food Insecurity and Vulnerability Index
  14. Nonprofit-Driven Community Capacity-Building Efforts in Community Food Systems
  15. e-Participation: Comparing Trends in Practice and the Classroom
  16. Changes in access to public transportation for cycle–transit users in response to service reductions
  17. Housing location in a Philadelphia metro watershed: Can profitable be green?
  18. Gardening
  19. Community Food Security via Urban Agriculture: Understanding People, Place, Economy, and Accessibility from a Food Justice Perspective
  20. Building Social Capital in the Digital Age of Civic Engagement
  21. Suitable Housing Placement: A GIS-Based Approach
  22. Coupling GPS and GIS
  23. Dealing with 3D Surface Models
  24. GIS-Based Simulation and Visualization of Urban Landuse Change