All Stories

  1. The Effect of Malpractice Reform on Emergency Department Care
  2. Bundled Payment Fails To Gain A Foothold In California: The Experience Of The IHA Bundled Payment Demonstration
  4. Contextual Issues Influencing Implementation and Outcomes Associated With an Integrated Approach to Managing Pain, Agitation, and Delirium in Adult ICUs
  5. Non-quantitative treatment limitations in the mental health parity regulations: How can “different” still be parity?
  6. What Oregon's parity law can tell us about the federal Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act and spending on substance abuse treatment services
  7. Response to Kuttner Letter
  8. Behavioral Health Insurance Parity: Does Oregon's Experience Presage the National Experience With the Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act?
  9. The PROMETHEUS Bundled Payment Experiment: Slow Start Shows Problems In Implementing New Payment Models
  10. Clinical Decision Support and Malpractice Risk
  11. Controlling U.S. Health Care Spending — Separating Promising from Unpromising Approaches
  12. Adopting Information Technology to Drive Improvements in Patient Safety: Lessons from the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality Health Information Technology Grantees
  13. Experiences of Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality-Funded Projects That Implemented Practices for Safer Patient Care
  14. Mental health and substance abuse insurance parity for federal employees: How did health plans respond?
  15. Language Access Services for Latinos with Limited English Proficiency: Lessons Learned from Hablamos Juntos
  16. Justice, Treatment, and Cost: An Evaluation of the Fiscal Impact of Allegheny County: Mental Health Court: Summary
  17. Managing Medicaid Behavioral Health Care: Findings of a National Survey in the Year 2000
  18. Is conventional wisdom wrong? Coverage for substance abuse treatment under Medicaid managed care
  19. Behavioral Health Insurance Parity for Federal Employees
  20. Health Plans Respond to Parity: Managing Behavioral Health Care in the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program
  21. Electronic Prescribing and HIPAA Privacy Regulation
  22. Collaborations between drug courts and service providers: Characteristics and challenges
  23. Outpatient Commitment: Laura's Law and the Rand Report
  24. Debating Outpatient Commitment: Controversy, Trends, and Empirical Data
  25. Payment Under Public and Private Insurance and Access to Cochlear Implants
  26. Managed Behavioral Health Care: An Instrument to Characterize Critical Elements of Public Sector Programs
  27. State Mental Health Policy: Critical Elements of Public-Sector Managed Behavioral Health Programs for Severe Mental Illness in Five States
  28. Drug courts
  29. Florida's medicaid mental health carve-out: Lessons from the first years of implementation
  30. Major Dimensions of Managed Behavioral Health Care Arrangements
  31. Impact of Robustness of Program Implementation on Outcomes of Clients in Dual Diagnosis Programs
  32. Interagency Collaboration in Services for People With Co-Occurring Mental Illness and Substance Use Disorder
  33. Analysis of three interventions for substance abuse treatment of severely mentally ill people
  34. Gender Differences in the Assessment of Specialized Treatments for Substance Abuse among People with Severe Mental Illness
  35. Comparative Effectiveness of Three Approaches to Serving People with Severe Mental Illness and Substance Abuse Disorders
  36. Assessments of community mental health support systems: A key informant approach
  37. Cost-effectiveness of substance disorder interventions for people with severe mental illness
  38. Evaluating the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Program on Chronic Mental Illness
  39. Independent housing for persons with chronic mental illness
  40. Local Mental Health Authorities and Service System Change: Evidence from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Program on Chronic Mental Illness
  41. Alcohol and Drug Abuse Treatment of Homeless Persons: Results from the NIAAA Community Demonstration Program
  42. Application of Case Management to Drug Abuse Treatment: Overview of Models and Research Issues
  43. Creating integrated programs for severely mentally ill persons with substance disorders
  44. Form and Function of Mental Health Authorities at RWJ Foundation Program Sites: Preliminary Observations
  45. Form and Function of Mental Health Authorities at RWJ Foundation Program Sites: Preliminary Observations
  46. The dual crisis: Mental illness and substance abuse: Present and future directions.