All Stories

  1. Argania is a tree from Morocco used in healthcare and cosmetics
  2. AutoFlow, a Versatile Workflow Engine Illustrated by Assembling an Optimised de novo Transcriptome for a Non-Model Species, such as Faba Bean (Vicia faba)
  3. La traducción al español de los fármacos y de los compuestos químicos
  4. Current status in other finfish species
  5. DEgenes Hunter - A Self-customised Gene Expression Analysis Workflow for Non-model Organisms
  6. Bioinformatics Analyses to Separate Species Specific mRNAs from Unknown Sequences in de novo Assembled Transcriptomes
  7. A reliable pipeline for a transcriptome reference in Non-Model Species
  8. Why Assembling Plant Genome Sequences Is So Challenging
  9. SeqTrim — A Validation and Trimming Tool for All Purpose Sequence Reads
  10. The Typically Mitochondrial DNA-encoded ATP6 Subunit of the F1F0-ATPase Is Encoded by a Nuclear Gene inChlamydomonas reinhardtii
  11. PCR as a specific, sensitive and simple method suitable for diagnostics
  12. Isolation and expression inSaccharomyces cerevisiaeof a gene encoding an α-amylase fromSchwanniomyces castellii