All Stories

  1. Five (plus or minus one): The point at which an assemblage of individuals is perceived as a single, unified group
  2. Do We Really Care for the World? Testing the Link between Transcendental Change Values and the Quixoteism Motive
  3. Local versus Global Perceptual Scope, Empathic Concern, and Helping Preferences in Multiple-Victim Situations
  4. The Path from Helping One to Helping the Group and Beyond
  5. Can empathic concern be generalized from one person to others? Another positive side of the ‘one-among-others’ effect
  6. “You should (not) do that”: An Evaluative Model of Normative Appeals (EMNA)
  7. Empathy, Awareness of Others, and Action: How Feeling Empathy for One-Among-Others Motivates Helping the Others
  8. ¿Ayudamos cuando la situación de necesidad es abstracta? El efecto prosocial de incluir el macro-ambiente en el espacio vital.
  9. Why do we help? World change orientation as an antecedent of prosocial action
  10. I feel so sorry! Tapping the joint influence of empathy and personal distress on helping behavior
  11. Towards a Characterization of a Motive whose Ultimate Goal is to Increase the Welfare of the World: Quixoteism
  12. Congruence Between the Target in Need and the Recipient of Aid: The One-Among-Others Effect
  13. When the victim is one among others: Empathy, awareness of others and motivational ambivalence
  14. Putting Text in Context: The Conflict between Pro-Ecological Messages and Anti-Ecological Descriptive Norms
  15. Beyond a Single Pattern of Mixed Emotional Experience
  16. Overcoming Empathy-Induced Partiality: Two Rules of Thumb
  17. Beyond Egoism and Group Identity: Empathy toward the Other and Awareness of Others in a Social Dilemma
  18. Drawing mixed emotions: Sequential or simultaneous experiences?
  19. Analogical Emotional Scale
  20. Hacia una clasificación psicosocial de las normas
  21. ¿Por qué cumplimos las normas? Un análisis psicosocial del concepto de legitimidad
  22. Efectos perversos de normas incumplidas en la percepción de las autoridades
  23. El reconocimiento de la norma perversa y sus consecuencia en los juicios de las personas
  24. Mixed emotional experiences
  25. Activating the motive of Quixoteism: The transcendent-change orientation
  26. Immorality from quixoteism: When helping and normative behavior conflict
  27. Motivational conflict provoked by presenting the victim as one among others
  28. Processes of Transmission and Change of Social Axioms and their Behavioral Influence in Spanish Culture