All Stories

  1. Validation of the Asthma Impairment and Risk Questionnaire in Spain: A Useful Tool for Assessing Asthma Control in Adolescents and Adults
  2. A New Therapeutic Approach Based on a Reinterpretation of Asthma Control
  3. A cross-sectional study to evaluate utility measure and health-related quality of life (HRQoL) among patients with severe uncontrolled asthma in Spain
  4. Uso adecuado de los dispositivos de inhalación para el asma
  5. Calcifediol for Use in Treatment of Respiratory Disease
  6. “Effect of calcifediol treatment and best available therapy versus best available therapy on intensive care unit admission and mortality among patients hospitalized for COVID-19: A pilot randomized clinical study”
  7. Respuesta al Comité ejecutivo de GEMA
  8. Discrepancias en la clasificación de los glucocorticoides inhalados entre GEMA y GINA
  9. The Test of Adherence to Inhalers (TAI) overestimates adherence to asthma’s medication
  10. Efficacy and Safety of Reslizumab in Patients with Severe Asthma with Inadequate Response to Omalizumab: A Multicenter, Open-Label Pilot Study
  11. Economic Impact and Clinical Outcomes of Omalizumab Add-On Therapy for Patients with Severe Persistent Asthma: A Real-World Study
  12. Conocimientos sobre la correcta utilización de inhaladores por parte de los médicos residentes de atención primaria e impacto de una intervención formativa
  13. The Role of FE NO in the Diagnosis and Control of Asthma. Expert Multidisciplinary Group Debate during the Asthma Meeting Point 2017
  14. Quality Indicators of Asthma Care Derived From the Spanish Guidelines for Asthma Management (GEMA 4.0): A Multidisciplinary Team Report
  15. Actitudes y barreras en el asma inicialmente no controlada en España. Estudio Abanico
  16. Validation of the ‘Test of the Adherence to Inhalers’ (TAI) for Asthma and COPD Patients
  17. Combinación a dosis fija de fluticasona propionato/formoterol fumarato para el tratamiento del asma: una revisión de la farmacología, eficacia y tolerabilidad
  18. Differences in Adherence and Non-Adherence Behaviour Patterns to Inhaler Devices Between COPD and Asthma Patients
  19. de Torres JP
  20. Guidelines for the Study of Nonspecific Bronchial Hyperresponsiveness in Asthma
  21. Asthma control and concordance of opinions between patients and pulmonologists
  22. Omalizumab Therapy in Severe Asthma: Experience from the Spanish Registry—Some New Approaches
  23. Measurement of asthma control according to global initiative for asthma guidelines: a comparison with the asthma control questionnaire
  25. Documento de Consenso sobre la espirometría en Andalucía
  26. Impacto de la EPOC en la vida diaria de los pacientes. Resultados del estudio multicéntrico EIME
  27. Cuerpos extraños en la via aerea. Patologia infantil
  28. Cirugía de las bronquiectasias localizadas
  29. Edema pulmonar tras la ingestión de hidroclorotiacida
  30. Epoc y desnutricion. Resultados de un protocolo
  31. Primary Bronchopulmonary Malignant Melanoma:Case Report
  32. Carcinoma broncogénico con vitíligo paraneoplásico
  33. Aspectos toracoscopicos de la tuberculosis pleural