All Stories

  1. Sustainability as a Multi-Criteria Concept: New Developments and Applications
  2. Influence of Anthropogenic Noise for Predicting Cinereous Vulture Nest Distribution
  3. The effective hydrological neighborhood: A new concept to formulate harvest area constraints
  4. Certifying Forests to Achieve Sustainability in Industrial Plantations: Opinions of Stakeholders in Spain
  5. Operational Research Techniques Used for Addressing Biodiversity Objectives into Forest Management: An Overview
  6. Using quantitative techniques to evaluate and explain the sustainability of forest plantations
  7. Transportation planning and quiet natural areas preservation: Aircraft overflights noise assessment in a National Park
  8. Influence of Climate and Economic Variables on the Aggregated Supply of a Wild Edible Fungi (Lactarius deliciosus)
  9. Optimal management in Pinus pinea L. stands combining silvicultural schedules for timber and cone production
  10. Participatory Goal Programming in Forest Management: An Application Integrating Several Ecosystem Services
  11. Determining the optimal harvest cycle for copaíba (Copaifera spp.) oleoresin production
  12. Noise pollution in national parks: Soundscape and economic valuation
  13. Effects of innovation on the European wood industry market structure
  14. The optimal rotation of a flammable forest stand when both carbon sequestration and timber are valued: a multi-criteria approach
  15. The Management of Industrial Forest Plantations
  16. Economics and Management of Industrial Forest Plantations
  17. The Importance of Industrial Forest Plantations
  18. Dealing with the Sustainability Issue for Industrial Plantation Management
  19. How to combine inconsistent ordinal and cardinal preferences: A satisficing modelling approach
  20. Noise pollution mapping approach and accuracy on landscape scales
  21. Goal programming in forest management: customising models for the decision-maker's preferences
  22. Optimal harvest scheduling in Eucalyptus plantations under a sustainability perspective
  23. Integration of fungal production in forest management using a multi-criteria method
  24. Characterization and explanation of the sustainability of the European wood manufacturing industries: A quantitative approach
  25. Demand for wild edible mushrooms. The case of Lactarius deliciosus in Barcelona (Spain)
  26. Making sustainability rankings using compromise programming. An application to European paper industry
  27. Spatial valuation of recreation activities in forest systems: application to province of Segovia (Spain)
  28. In Search of a European Paper Industry Ranking in Terms of Sustainability by Using Binary Goal Programming
  29. Optimal harvest scheduling in Eucalyptus plantations
  30. Technical innovation in Spain's wood-based industry: The role of environmental and quality strategies
  31. Forest management optimization in Eucalyptus plantations: a goal programming approach
  32. Forest management with multiple criteria and multiple stakeholders: An application to two public forests in Spain
  33. Technical innovation in Spain's forestry industry
  34. Making forestry decisions with multiple criteria: A review and an assessment
  35. Carbon sequestration in Spanish Mediterranean forests under two management alternatives: a modeling approach
  36. Valuation of environmental goods: A shadow value perspective
  37. Influence of Carbon Sequestration in an Optimal Set of Coppice Rotations for Eucalyptus Plantations
  38. Letter to the Editor
  39. The forest products industry in Spain. Productive, organization and environmental aspects
  40. An analysis of productive efficiency and innovation activity using DEA: An application to Spain's wood-based industry
  41. Optimal rotations on Eucalyptus plantations including carbon sequestration—A comparison of results in Brazil and Spain
  42. Optimal forest rotation when taxes are included in the analysis. The case of poplar in Castilla y León
  43. Vínculos entre sostenibilidad, ecología y economía de los sistemas forestales: algunas reflexiones
  44. Sustainability of forest management plans: a discrete goal programming approach
  45. In search of a natural systems sustainability index
  46. Evaluation of new silvicultural alternatives for Scots pine stands in northern Spain
  47. Forest management optimisation models when carbon captured is considered: a goal programming approach
  48. Combined Use of Goal Programming and the Analytic Hierarchy Process in Forest Management
  49. Optimal Forest Rotation Age When Carbon Captured is Considered: Theory and Applications
  50. Carbon Sequestration and Timber Production: A Bi-Criteria Optimisation Problem
  51. Timber Harvesting Scheduling Problems: A Compromise Programming Approach