All Stories

  1. New psychoactive substances: issues about the new approach from New Zealand government
  2. Oxidative stress and BDNF as possible markers for the severity of crack cocaine use in early withdrawal
  3. Changes in method for obtaining better outcomes in the recruitment of synthetic drug users
  4. Increase in brain-derived neurotrophic factor expression in early crack cocaine withdrawal
  5. The Effects of ADHD in Adult Substance Abusers
  6. Peripheral toxicity in crack cocaine use disorders
  7. Association between anxiety symptoms and problematic alcohol use in adolescents
  8. Regional differences associated with drinking and driving in Brazil
  9. Predictors of positive Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) in a sample of Brazilian drivers
  10. Childhood trauma, impulsivity, and executive functioning in crack cocaine users
  11. Factors associated with alcohol and drug use among traffic crash victims in southern Brazil
  12. Clinical signs of alcohol intoxication as markers of refusal to provide blood alcohol readings in emergency rooms: an exploratory study
  13. Risk behaviors for HCV- and HIV-seroprevalence among female crack users in Porto Alegre, Brazil
  14. Highly reported prevalence of drinking and driving in Brazil: data from the first representative household study
  15. Impulsivity, age of first alcohol use and substance use disorders among male adolescents: a population based case–control study
  16. Using thought mapping and structured stories to decrease HIV risk behaviors among cocaine injectors and crack smokers in the South of Brazil
  17. Brain injury markers (S100B and NSE) in chronic cocaine dependents
  18. Adaptation and construct validation of the Barratt Impulsiveness Scale (BIS 11) to Brazilian Portuguese for use in adolescents
  19. Brazilian female crack users show elevated serum aluminum levels
  20. Changing Patterns of Cocaine Use and HIV Risks in the South of Brazil
  21. HIV seroprevalence among drug users: an analysis of selected variables based on 10 years of data collection in Porto Alegre, Brazil
  22. Uso de substâncias, situações de risco e soroprevalência em indivíduos que buscam testagem gratuita para HIV em Porto Alegre, Brasil
  23. Uso de drogas y riesgos relacionados con el VIH/sida en diferentes muestras de Porto Alegre, Brasil
  24. References to Alcohol Consumption and Alcoholism in Medical Records of a General Hospital of Porto Alegre, Brazil—
  25. Preditores de soropositividade para HIV em indivíduos não abusadores de drogas que buscam centros de testagem e aconselhamento de Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil
  26. Diferenças entre fatores de risco para infecção pelo HIV em usuários de drogas injetáveis do Rio de Janeiro e Porto Alegre
  27. Fatores de risco para transmissão do HIV em usuários de drogas de Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil
  28. Psicodinâmica do adolescente envolvido com drogas