All Stories

  1. The compensation effect of competence frustration and its behavioral manifestations
  2. Skeletons in the closet: How and when internal and external corporate social responsibility affect employees' internal whistleblowing behaviors
  3. Why do employees craft their jobs: a qualitative analysis of job crafting motives from actor and observer perspectives
  4. No person is an island: how employees attribute and react to coworkers' approach crafting
  5. How family motivation affects Chinese hotel employees' extra-role behaviors: A serial mediation model from an instrumental perspective
  6. Antecedents and Occupational Attitudinal Consequences of Meaningful Work During the COVID-19: An Investigation of Chinese Nurses
  7. Autonomy support and prosocial impact facilitate meaningful work: A daily diary study
  8. I am entitled to it! Social power and context modulate disadvantageous inequity aversion
  9. How can employees break free from helplessness in critical work incidents?
  10. Awe in the workplace promotes prosocial behavior
  11. Understanding awe elicitors in the workplace: a qualitative inquiry
  12. When the Counterpart Chooses the Opposite: The First Mover’s Anticipation and Evaluation of the Final Feedback in Gambles
  13. Prior autonomy frustration facilitates persistent behavior: The moderating role of autonomy causality orientation
  14. External corporate social responsibility promotes employees’ unethical pro-organizational behavior: An attribution perspective
  15. Surviving bench stress: Meaningful work as a personal resource in the expanded job demands-resources model
  16. Work meaningfulness disclosure and persistent behavior: Level of action identification as a moderator
  17. Desire for Success Awakens: Proof of Competence Restoration in a Non-competitive Environment
  18. To Reveal or Not to Reveal? Observation of Social Outcomes Facilitates Reward Processing
  19. Getting a head start: turn-of-the-month submission effect for accepted papers in management journals
  20. The Spillover Effect of Autonomy Frustration on Human Motivation and Its Electrophysiological Representation
  21. Fluid compensation in response to disappearance of the meaning of work
  22. Man’s Pursuit of Meaning: Unexpected Termination Bolsters One’s Autonomous Motivation in an Irrelevant Ensuing Activity
  23. Trapped in the woods: High performance goal orientation impedes competence restoration
  24. Taking Others as a Mirror: Contingent Social Comparison Promotes Task Engagement
  25. Environmental-friendly Eco-labeling Matters: Evidences From an ERPs Study
  26. A Surprising Source of Self-Motivation: Prior Competence Frustration Strengthens One’s Motivation to Win in Another Competence-Supportive Activity
  27. Hey, what is your choice? Uncertainty and inconsistency enhance subjective anticipation of upcoming information in a social context
  28. Feedback is the breakfast of champions
  29. Being Eager to Prove Oneself: U-Shaped Relationship between Competence Frustration and Intrinsic Motivation in Another Activity
  30. Who Deserves My Trust? Cue-Elicited Feedback Negativity Tracks Reputation Learning in Repeated Social Interactions
  31. Inverted U-Shaped Curvilinear Relationship between Challenge and One's Intrinsic Motivation: Evidence from Event-Related Potentials
  32. Effort provides its own reward: endeavors reinforce subjective expectation and evaluation of task performance
  33. Close games versus blowouts: Optimal challenge reinforces one's intrinsic motivation to win
  34. What do we expect from a beauty? Facial attractiveness of the opposite sex gives rise to discrepancies in males' anticipation and demand
  35. Deliberate or unintended: Intentions modulate empathic responses to others’ economic payoffs in social interactions
  36. Ingroup favoritism or the black sheep effect: Perceived intentions modulate subjective responses to aggressive interactions
  37. How do social-based cues influence consumers’ online purchase decisions? An event-related potential study
  38. Live as we choose: The role of autonomy support in facilitating intrinsic motivation
  39. You did not mean it: Perceived good intentions alleviate sense of unfairness
  40. The undermining effect of facial attractiveness on brain responses to fairness in the Ultimatum Game: an ERP study
  41. You Have My Word: Reciprocity Expectation Modulates Feedback-Related Negativity in the Trust Game
  42. I endeavor to make it: Effort increases valuation of subsequent monetary reward
  43. The dark side of monetary incentive