All Stories

  1. A Narcissism/Vanity Distinction? Reassessing Vanity Using a Modern Model of Narcissism Based on Pride, Empathy, and Social Behaviors
  2. Multidimensional Models of Perfectionism and Procrastination: Seeking Determinants of Both
  3. An Investigation of Student Psychological Wellbeing: Honors Versus Nonhonors Undergraduate Education
  4. Perfectionism and work-family conflict: Self-esteem and self-efficacy as mediator
  5. How the Socratic method helps students
  6. Mindfulness: Seeking a More Perfect Approach to Coping with Life’s Challenges
  7. Correlates with perfectionism and the utility of a dual process model
  8. Spontaneous emotion regulation during evaluated speaking tasks: Associations with negative affect, anxiety expression, memory, and physiological responding.
  9. Positive and negative perfectionism and the shame/guilt distinction: adaptive and maladaptive characteristics
  10. Cognitive styles: links with perfectionistic thinking
  11. Facets of Dynamic Positive Affect: Differentiating Joy, Interest, and Activation in the Positive and Negative Affect Schedule (PANAS).
  12. The relationship between positive and negative affect in the Positive and Negative Affect Schedule
  13. The measurement of coping in achievement situations: an international comparison
  14. Career mothers and perfectionism: stress at work and at home
  15. The effects of academic stress on health behaviors in young adults