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  1. High Enthalpy Effects on Hypersonic Boundary-Layer Transition: T5 Experimental and Numerical Comparison
  2. Hypersonic Boundary-Layer Instability on a Highly Cooled Cone. Part II: Schlieren Analysis of Boundary-Layer Disturbances
  3. Boundary-Layer Disturbances and Surface Heat-Flux Profiles on a Cooled Slender Cone
  4. Temperature gradient effects on the transition to turbulence in hypersonic flow
  5. Methodology for Investigating the Effects of Wall Cooling on Hypersonic Boundary Layer Transition
  6. HIFiRE-5 Boundary-Layer Transition Measured in a Mach-6 Quiet Tunnel with Infrared Thermography
  7. Particle tracer comparison in a Mach 3 Tunnel