All Stories

  1. Language Diversity in the U.S.
  2. Talk about the Weather: Comparative Constructions in the Middle Rockies
  3. Introduction: Variation, Pattern, Change, and Choice--Targets of Linguistic Atlas Query
  4. Ascending kinship terminology in Middle Rocky Mountain English
  5. Toward automated consumer question answering: Automatically separating consumer questions from professional questions in the healthcare domain
  6. Was/were Variation in the Middle Rocky Mountains
  7. Book Review: One Language, Two Grammars? Differences between British and American English By Günter Rohdenburg & Julia Schlüter, (eds.). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2009. xxiv + 461. ISBN: 978-0-521-87219-5
  8. AskHERMES: An online question answering system for complex clinical questions
  9. Lancet: a high precision medication event extraction system for clinical text
  10. Evaluation of the clinical question answering presentation
  11. DIVERSITY IN THE MIDWEST EXPLORED: Language Diversity in Michigan and Ohio: Towards Two State Linguistic Profiles
  12. Book Review: Language in the U.S.A.: Themes for the Twenty-First Century