All Stories

  1. Writing Another as Other
  2. Proposing a social identity theory of interspecies dominance
  3. The Frontline of Housing Access: Comparing Criminal Stigma among Landlords and Real Estate Agents in New York
  4. Exploring a Social Identity Theory of Shared Narrative: Insights from Resident Stories of Police Contact in Newark, New Jersey, and Cleveland, Ohio
  5. The psychology of justice buildings: A survey experiment on police architecture, public sentiment, and race
  6. From Power and Privilege to Dignity and Respect: Developing a Theory of Species Stratification and Interspecies Dominance
  7. Swipe Right?: Experimental Analyses of App-Based Dating in the Age of Criminal Stigma
  8. “Writing the Other as Other”: Exploring the Othered Lens in Academia Using Collaborative Autoethnography
  9. Truth and Reconciliation as a Model for Change in Response to # MeToo
  10. How Can Embedded Criminologists, Police Pracademics, and Crime Analysts Help Increase Police-Led Program Evaluations? A Survey of Authors Cited in the Evidence-Based Policing Matrix1
  11. Book Review: Hands up, don’t shoot: Why the protests in Ferguson and Baltimore matter, and how they changed America
  12. How Can Embedded Criminologists, Police Pracademics, and Crime Analysts Help Increase Police-Led Program Evaluations? A Survey of Authors Cited in the Evidence-Based Policing Matrix
  13. Architecture and Correctional Services: A Facilities Approach to Treatment
  14. Postcolonial Criminology
  15. United States v. Morrison
  16. Human-wildlife competition
  17. Book Reviews
  18. Advancing a Social Identity Model of System Attitudes
  19. Examining housing discrimination across race, gender and felony history
  20. Constitutional and Legal Issues
  21. Manufactured “Mismatch”
  22. Strangers no more: immigration and the challenges of integration in North America and western Europe. By Richard Alba and Nancy Foner: Why Muslim integration fails in Christian-heritage societies. By Claire L. Adida, David D. Laitin and Marie-Anne Valfort
  23. Deterring rational fanatics