All Stories

  1. Comparing official strike data in Europe – dealing with varieties of strike recording
  3. Strikes in Europe
  4. Trade Unions’ ‘Deliberative Vitality’ towards Young Workers: Survey Evidence across Europe
  5. Home country uemployment Ghent systeem
  6. Implantation syndicale et taux de syndicalisation (2000-2010)
  7. Histoire de la Centrale générale des syndicats libéraux de Belgique (CGSLB)
  8. Les statistiques de grève et leur exploitation
  9. Strikes around the World, 1968-2005: Case-Studies of 15 Countries - Edited by Sjaak van der Velden, Heiner Dribbusch, Dave Lyddon and Kurt Vandaele
  10. Book Reviews
  11. A Half Century of Trade Union Membership. The Cyclical Macro-Determinants of Postwar Union Growth in Belgium
  12. Trade Unions’ ‘Deliberative Vitality’ towards Young Workers
  13. Following the ‘Organising Model’ of British Unions? Organising Non-Standard Workers in Germany and the Netherlands
  14. Sustaining or Abandoning ‘Social Peace’? Strike Development and Trends in Europe Since the 1990s
  15. Employment Relations in Belgium and the Netherlands