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  1. Melting of eclogite facies sedimentary rocks in the Belomorian Eclogite Province, Russia
  2. Model Forming of Mesoarchean Gridino Mafic Dyke Swarm during Subduction “Mid-Ocean Ridge - Continent”
  3. The Meso-Neoarchaean Belomorian eclogite province: Tectonic position and geodynamic evolution
  4. Archaean to Palaeoproterozoic high-grade evolution of the Belomorian eclogite province in the Gridino area, Fennoscandian Shield: Geochronological evidence
  5. Metamorphic Evolution of the Gridino Mafic Dyke Swarm (Belomorian Eclogite Province, Russia)
  6. Mafic Melt Emplacement During the Shock Deformation in the Subvolcanic Environment: Example from Tastau Volcanoplutonic Ring Complex, Eastern Kazakhstan
  7. The Salma Eclogites of the Belomorian Province, Russia
  8. 2. Mesoarchean Kola-Karelia continent
  9. Abstract