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  1. Principal component analysis of three-dimensional face shape: Identifying shape features that change with age
  2. Relationship between the retinacula cutis and sagging facial skin
  3. Age-related changes in dermal fiber-like structures in facial cheeks
  4. The relationship between dermal papillary structure and skin surface properties, color, and elasticity
  5. Changes in dermal papilla structures due to aging in the facial cheek region
  6. Analysis of the skin surface and inner structure around pores on the face
  7. The investigation of the skin characteristics of males focusing on gender differences, skin perception, and skin care habits
  8. Terahertz wave techniques using a metal mesh for evaluating the components of the stratum corneum
  9. The Essential Structures of ISP-I that Influence Serine Palmitoyltransferase Inhibition in Chinese Hamster Ovary Cells
  10. THz techniques for human skin measurement
  11. Effects of Serine Palmitoyltransferase Inhibitor ISP-I on the Stratum Corneum of Intact Mouse Skin
  12. Perturbation of lamellar granule secretion by sodium caprate implicates epidermal tight junctions in lamellar granule function
  13. The Effects of Serine Palmitoyltransferase Inhibitor, ISP-I, on UV-Induced Barrier Disruption in the Stratum Corneum
  14. Effects of vitamin C on dark circles of the lower eyelids: quantitative evaluation using image analysis and echogram
  15. Age-Related Changes of the Three-Dimensional Structure in the Cheek Region
  16. 年齢による毛穴の目立ちの実態調査
  17. Objective evaluation of the efficacy of daily topical applications of cosmetics bases using the hairless mouse model of atopic dermatitis
  18. Establishment of an atopic dermatitis-like skin model in a hairless mouse by repeated elicitation of contact hypersensitivity that enables to conduct functional analyses of the stratum corneum with various non-invasive biophysical instruments